SU2P is an exciting research and commercialisation opportunity that the Institute of Photonics is proud to be part of.

The Universities of Strathclyde, St Andrews, Heriot-Watt and Glasgow, together with Stanford University and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), are working with local industry to build enduring relationships that form the basis of a network which helps to sustain the economic impact of photonics in both the UK and California.

Companies joining our Industrial Membership Programme may find it most cost-effective to also be part of SU2P through its Industrial Affiliates Programme.

There have been some long standing links between Strathclyde and Stanford as well as numerous other links among the other partner Scottish Universities and CalTech. This is a new venture which will build on those relationships with an enticing blend of fellowships, projects and movement of researchers. Research and commercialisation are both key to SU2P and the interactions with industrial affiliates and the investment community will be a strong and vital part of the programme.

The SU2P project is part funded by the RCUK 'Sciences Bridges' programme, with additional funds from Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Funding Council. It has also received assistance from the Photonics KTN.

SU2P Director Iain Ross is located in the Institute of Photonics.