Martin Dawson celebrates double medal success
An internationally-acclaimed physicist from the University of Strathclyde has received two top awards for his pioneering research.
Professor Martin Dawson landed the Gabor Medal and prize from the Institute of Physics (IOP). He also received the IEEE Photonics Society’s (IPS) Aron Kressel Award.
Professor Dawson is based at the Institute of Photonics within Strathclyde’s Physics department. He said: “I’m thrilled to have received these accolades from my peers and to know that applied research is being recognised."
“All the work I’ve ever been involved in is collaborative, and the achievements behind these awards owe much to the contributions of colleagues, post-docs, students and other collaborators in academia and industry both in the UK and abroad.”
Simon Andrews, Executive Director of Fraunhofer UK Research Limited – based at Strathclyde – welcomed the awards.
He said: “When we started Fraunhofer UK, we were very lucky indeed to have Martin take on the role of Head of Centre, which is crucial to our success.
“Martin gives us at least two outstanding advantages. His technical vision is extraordinary, accurate and far-sighted, while his community-spirited approach to genuine collaboration has served the Institute of Photonics very well and underpins our outlook here too."
“It is no surprise to learn that the research community has recognised Martin’s contributions to the field over a very successful career, which serves as an inspiration to us all.”
Professor Dawson received the IOP’s Gabor Medal in recognition of “his vision and leadership in applied photonics, including pioneering contributions to optically pumped semiconductor lasers, diamond photonics and gallium nitride optical microsystems, and for fostering the international development and commercialisation of these technologies”.
President of the IOP, Professor Roy Sambles, said: “The IOP Awards recognise outstanding individuals and teams within our physics community, not only to celebrate their creativity, hard work and dedication but also to inspire others to strive to achieve excellence in what they do."
“The recipients represent some of the best and brightest minds involved with physics in academic and industrial research, in education and in outreach."
02 November 2016