Education EnhancementInternal Review of Learning & Teaching


The University has several different activities in regards to the process for the internal review of learning and teaching. The Policies and Procedures document highlights these different activities, to provide a better understanding of how the University reviews Learning & Teaching. 


The University’s process for internal review of learning and teaching comprises the following regular, interlinked activities:

Faculty Quinquennial Review of Departments

Each Faculty normally carries out a review of each of its departments/schools at least once every five years. This is a holistic look at teaching, research and management in the Department/School and at the interaction between these functions. For example, how research within the department influences teaching.

Annual Course & Class Monitoring/Review

For each of the University’s award bearing courses, the Course Team prepares an annual course report that is reviewed by the relevant Faculty on an annual or biannual basis. Outcomes of this process are also taken into account in the Reviews of Departments/Schools.

Monitoring of Research Student Progress & Supervision

Regular monitoring of research student progress and supervision is carried out at departmental and/or faculty level in accordance with the University’s Policy and Code of Practice for Postgraduate Research Programmes.

The outcomes are scrutinised by the University’s Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee (RKEC) and monitored by the Quality Assurance Committee. The Postgraduate Research Office supports the Research & Knowledge Exchange Committee in maintaining its oversight of postgraduate research student progression and supervision.

Outcomes of this process are also taken into account in the Reviews of Departments/Schools. 

Annual Faculty Academic Quality Assurance & Enhancement Reports

Each Faculty reports annually to Senate through the Quality Assurance Committee on the effectiveness of learning and teaching across the Faculty and the outcomes of internal and external reviews carried out in the previous session.

These regular activities may be supplemented from time to time by in-depth reviews of courses or subject pathways carried out by departments or faculties in response to changing needs and circumstances.


If you would like any more information about any of the review activities, please contact the Education Enhancement Team,