Strathclyde SportNutritional Seminar

If you are looking to learn more about nutrition for different types for strength or endurance training or are simply interested in getting more information and advice on daily eating habits, then come along to Strathclyde Sport’s free seminar in January.

The seminar will be led by qualified dietitian Nathalie Jones who has a wealth of experience in exercise physiology and nutrition.

In this seminar you will learn more information about the following key topics:

  • Advice on daily nutrition, meals, and snacks
  • How to appropriately fuel the body before and after training
  • How to maximise performance and promote recovery through nutrition

This seminar is suitable for anyone looking to get a bit more information on nutrition for training in general.

The talk will cover numerous topics which will be beneficial for anyone, whether you train regularly or not.

Date: Wednesday the 25th of January (25/01/2023)

Time: 12:10-12:50

Location: Strathclyde Sport SSPE Room

Booking link: