Centre for Lifelong LearningOpen Afternoon

Come along to our Open Afternoon

Wednesday 13 September 2023 - 1.30pm-15.30pm

An informal Open Afternoon will be held in the Centre for Lifelong Learning to introduce students to the wide range of learning, social and cultural activities on offer in addition to formal classes.  This event is jointly hosted by the Centre for Lifelong Learning and the Learning in Later Life Students’ Association (3Ls).   

Bring a friend to the Open Afternoon

Take part in our new referral scheme ‘Refer a Friend’, which will offer an incentive to CLL students existing and new. Bring along a new student to the Open Afternoon and take advantage of the chance to earn £20 credit when the new student who goes on to set up a profile in My CLL.

Each new student will receive a £20 credit towards their first basket of classes, so it’s a win, win!

More information and our terms and conditions are available here.

The Open Afternoon will feature: 

  • Class advice and the chance to find out more about the Students’ Association’s many clubs.
  • Two Bite Size Talks - New tutor, David Dewar, who is passionate about Scottish History will tell you about some of the incredible Scots whom history has often forgotten about.  His Scottish history classes bring to life the likes of Civil Engineer Thomas Telford, Entertainer Harry Lauder and Mental Health pioneer Elizabeth Crichton. The second Bite Size session will be delivered by our extremely popular History tutor Robert Lynch.  1492: The Columbian Exchange will look at the background to the voyages of Christopher Columbus and the world-shattering consequences of the European discovery of the New World. No need to book in advance but places on these taster sessions will be limited.
  • The Acoustic Music Club will be performing during the event, be sure to check them out!  

  • Complimentary tea, coffee and cake will also be available.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the team at CLL.

Phone: 0141 548 2116           Email: learn-cll@strath.ac.uk

We look forward to welcoming you and your friend on the day!