Centre for Lifelong LearningMyplace Online Classes

Taking your online class via Myplace

Myplace is the online learning environment for the University of Strathclyde. It is based on the Moodle Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) but has been adapted to meet the needs of users at the University of Strathclyde.

All of your class information and interaction with your tutor and fellow students will happen within this environment. It contains:

  • Class information - content and structure
  • Tasks and activities for completion
  • Posted messages from your tutor
  • Assignment information
  • Assignment upload
  • Interactive class forum/blog.

The information below provides all you need to know to get started on your class. Please read carefully the details for your specific subject area (Genealogy or Blaze Creative Writing) along with the remaining sections which are common to both areas of study.

Shortly before the class start date you will receive notification of your login details (a 'Limited Access Account') in two separate emails from IT Services (please check your inbox and junk mail folder). The first will contain your Username and the second will contain your Password.

Usernames and Passwords are case sensitive and must be entered exactly as given. You may wish to login with your allocated password on the first occasion but change it to something more memorable afterwards using the password reset link which is found within the body of the password email sent to you.

Once you have these, open your web browser and:

1. Directly access https://classes.myplace.strath.ac.uk/ and click on ‘LOG IN’ (top right-hand). The same link can be found on the University homepage (at the top right of this page you will see the Current students menu - select Myplace).

2. Choose the 'Don't have a Strathclyde email address' link.

3. On the right-hand side of the screen under 'Log in using your username and password (external users)' enter your Username and Password and click Log in.

4. You will find your class listed under the tab for the current academic year. Click on your class link (note that the link may not be live until the published date and time of class commencement).

Alternatively, you can access the Myplace login screen via MyCLL:

1. Login to MyCLL using your MyCLL username and password

2. Access My Activity>Overview.

3. Your will see your Current Classes listed.

4. Click on the blue Myplace button to take you to the Myplace login, example as below.

5. Login to Myplace as above.

PLEASE NOTE: Your access to Myplace will expire a short time after the class end date therefore please ensure that you download any materials you require from the site at class completion.

Classes and Tutor contacts:

Marie Dougan: marie.dougan@strath.ac.uk

  • Family History Research: an Introduction (online via Myplace)
  • Using Technology in your Family History Research (online via Myplace)
  • Family History Research: Beyond the Basics (online via Myplace)

Classes accessible from Monday 27 January 2025 at 5pm (UK time).

Your tutor will be around and checking in on the site throughout the first day of commencement and are usually online at least once every weekday throughout the class (you will be kept informed of any exceptions ahead of time).

If you have any questions specifically about your class content then please contact the class tutor(s) by email.

Classes and Tutor contact:

David Pettigrew: david@dpettigrew.com

Classes accessible from Friday 24 January 2025 at 1pm (UK time).

David will be around and checking in on the site throughout the day on Friday, and is usually online at least once every weekday throughout (if this changes he will let you know).

If you have any questions about the class content then please contact the tutor by email.


In the first week, take time to become familiar with Myplace and explore how to navigate your way around the class site. Take time to read the Class Guidelines documents.

Class layout

Take your time getting used to the site. Explore, find what you need, become comfortable with the different course tools and with navigating between them, ask any questions you may have about how the class works in the appropriate discussion forum, and help others by making suggestions where appropriate. Actively participate from the start.

Introduce yourself in the Introduction Forum. You can also personalise your User Profile and upload an image if you want to, but your official introduction must still be posted in the Introductions Forum.

Interaction online

These online classes work best with consistent participation throughout the class duration. Try to be visible online - informal notes and chatty messages are quick to add to Discussion Forums and yet they are important to balance the more formal time you will spend researching, completing class tasks and activities, preparing assignments, or for Blaze classes, writing and commenting on your peers' writing.

Discussion forums also help foster a sense of community. With online classes, if you are not posting, you are not present!

As the class continues, feel free to ask any questions. Even more so than with a face-to-face class, you need to express your needs, ask questions and give voice to anything that you are finding challenging.

Zoom may be used for video-conferencing sessions and meeting links will be provided via Myplace. If you are new to Zoom, please see our guidance documents:

Zoom student guide_PC or laptop
Zoom student guide_ipad or iphone
Zoom student guide_android version

Email address visibility

Please be aware that the default setting on Myplace is for students' email addresses to be visible on their profiles and therefore available to view by other class attendees. This is because registered students have a standard format Strathclyde email address. However, as your personal email address is being used, you may prefer to hide it by adjusting your profile settings: Hide email address in Myplace.

Email notifications from class forums

You may find that once the class has started you receive numerous email notifications of forum posts. If you find this intrusive and wish to reduce or block these completely you will need to change your personal preference settings: Adjust email notifications in Myplace.

More questions?

If you have questions about the content of your class, please contact your tutor directly.

If you have IT questions or issues please contact CLL in the first instance (rather than central University IT support).