GraduationGraduation dates

Important information

Enrolment for graduation is due to open during March and students will then be contacted and invited to register.

Autumn 2024 dates 

Date & time



Autumn 2024 graduation dates & times

Thursday 31 October, 11am

 Faculty of Science

  •  Computer and Information Sciences

Thursday 31 October, 3pm

Faculty of Science

  • Physics
  • Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

Friday 1 November, 11am

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Engineering

  • Pure and Applied Chemistry
  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Architecture

Friday 1 November, 3pm

 Faculty of Engineering

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical and Process Engineering
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Monday 4 November, 11am

Faculty of Engineering

  • Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management
  • BEng Hons: Engineering: Design and Manufacture
  • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering

Monday 4 November, 3 pm

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

  •  Department of Government and Public Policy
  • Strathclyde Law School

Tuesday 5 November, 11am

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Department of Psychological Sciences and Health
  • Department of Social Work and Social Policy

Tuesday 5 November, 3pm

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Centre for Lifelong Learning
  • Strathclyde Institute of Education

Wednesday 6 November, 11am

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Strathclyde Business School 

  • Department of Humanities
  • Economics
  • MIBML, BBA and BA International Business

Wednesday 6 November, 3pm

Strathclyde Business School

  •  Accounting and Finance
  • Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship

Thursday 7 November, 11am

Strathclyde Business School

  • Management Science
  • Work, Employment and Organisation

Thursday 7 November, 3pm

Strathclyde Business School

  • Marketing

 Friday 8 November, 11am

Strathclyde Business School

  • MBA unit courses
  • MSc Business and Management
  • MSc International Management
  • MSc Strategic Fintech
  • BA Business Management

Withdrawing early from your course

If you decide not to progress to the next or final year of your course and instead want to graduate at the upcoming ceremonies, you must tell your Department or School immediately. This way they can update their records and you can be put forward for an award. Graduation enrolment is not confirmation that you intend to withdraw early from your course.