Voluntary Suspension

You have been directed to this page because you have requested to take some time away from your study.  This decision will have implications for your Tier 4 visa.      The following information will help you understand the next steps in relation to your University registration and protecting your UK immigration record.

What is Voluntary Suspension?

Voluntary Suspension means that you have requested some time away from your studies.  

What should I do now?

Your Tier 4 or Student Visa

Our Visa Compliance Team will contact you to let you know that they will make a report to UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) to let them know about your new academic status.  UKVI will take action to curtail (shorten) your visa - normally they will give you a new visa expiry date of 60 days after the date that the Visa Compliance Team made their report.


You must immediately cease all engagement in study, this includes attendance at classes, laboratories and tutorials.


You must immediately stop working if you have a job.

Leaving the UK

It is important that you make plans to leave the UK as soon as possible and before the end of the 60-day period. Remaining in the UK beyond this date could result in serious restrictions being placed on future visa applications to the UK.

If you are having difficulty making arrangements to leave the UK please contact visa.compliance@strath.ac.uk

Registration at the University

Students who are placed in Voluntary Suspension are still required to remain registered in this status.

When will I return to my studies?

Returning to full-time study

When your period of Voluntary Suspension is over, you will need a new CAS to make a Student visa application in your home country.  If your suspension was for medical reasons, you must provide evidence that you are fit to resume your studies.