Our campusIT at Strathclyde

a male student uses a laptop in the library


We have a university-wide Wi-Fi called eduroam. You'll use your Strathclyde email address and password to connect to the network. It's accessible at universities in more than 50 countries around the world.

students use computers in a row


When you arrive at Strathclyde, you'll be given a Strathclyde email address for the duration of your time here. You can use this email address to contact your lecturers, for keeping track of borrowed books from the library, and for accessing our online virtual learning support system, Myplace.

a female student uses her laptop in the library


Myplace is our Virtual Learning Environment. It's where you'll find all the online resources you'll need for your classes while you're here. All classes you're registered for will automatically appear within your Myplace account. It'll help you keep track of your work, lecture materials, and assignments.

three people looking at a laptop screen and having a conversation


As a student at Strathclyde, you'll have access to a free range of software to use on your personal computer while you're here.