Part-time undergraduate students ordinarily resident in Scotland can apply to SAAS for fee support under the Part-time Fee Grant (PTFG) scheme. The level of grant available will be linked to the number of credits you're studying. SAAS will pay the PTFG straight to the University.
- Residence – you must meet SAAS residency conditions (see point 1 – Eligibility - SAAS Part-Time Undergraduate Funding)
- Income – you must have an individual income of £25,000 per annum or less, including bonuses and overtime.
- Course – you must be studying an eligible HE course at SCQF levels 7-10 and you must be taking between 30-119 SCQF credits
- Tuition Fee levels – the level of tuition fee support will be pro-rata on the number of SCQF credits you take. You can use the SAAS PTFG calculator to work out how much fee grant SAAS will pay.
Application process
You must make your application directly via the SAAS website. If you don't already have an online SAAS account, please create an account by clicking on the ‘Login / Create account’ tab on the SAAS website. You should make your application to SAAS as early as possible. You must make a separate application for each year of your course.
Validation of your application
SAAS will contact the Funding & Financial Support Team to request validation of the course details you have provided. If you have input the wrong number of credits on your application, we'll correct this for you. We can only validate your funding application once you have registered for your course.
If your PTFG award doesn't cover all of your tuition fee, you'll need to make arrangements with the Finance Office to pay any remaining fee - How to Pay Tuition Fees.
If you encounter any problems at registration, please email the Finance Office directly at finance-helpdesk@strath.ac.uk.
Sponsor/Other funding
If you'll be in receipt of any sponsor funding or third party help towards your fees and require an invoice for this, invoice requests should be sent directly to sponsor-letters@strath.ac.uk as early as possible so an invoice can be raised. Remember to quote your student registration number or applicant number in your email.
Notification of award
Once SAAS have assessed your application, an award letter will be available for you to download from your SAAS account under ‘Applications’.
Pre-Entry access course
If you're studying with the Centre for Lifelong Learning and need any assistance with your PTFG application, please email Lisa Donaldson (lisa.donaldson@strath.ac.uk), Programme Assistant.