Entrepreneurship Strategy
Vision & mission

Entrepreneurship Strategy 2020 - 2025

Our vision

Strathclyde Inspire will drive transformational change in our support for innovation, entrepreneurship and commercialisation. Our sector-leading proposition will unlock the entrepreneurial aspirations of all Strathclyde innovators and entrepreneurs and will create an environment in which venture creation & growth multiplies and thrives.

Our mission

The strategy will position Strathclyde as the partner of choice for entrepreneurial students, innovators, founders and business leaders at every stage of the entrepreneurial journey.

We will achieve this Vision through four Strategic Goals

Goal 2:
Identifying & Supporting Entrepreneurial Talent
Goal 3:
Empowering Entrepreneurs
Goal 4:
Scaling Innovation-Driven Enterprises

These goals are underpinned by three cross cutting initiatives

Entrepre­neurship Hub
Events Programme
Global Supporter Network

Our values
