Honorary DegreesHow to fill out the nomination form
When filling out the nomination form, remember that chances are, we don't know your nominee as you do. This is your chance to tell us all about them. The strongest nominations bring your nominee and their achievements to life, and give a real sense of exceptional character and contribution so it's important that your application reflects your excitement and admiration of them.
Questions 1 and 2 form the main part of your nomination, and the rest are just for background. Here's what we're looking for:
Question 1
- Why are you nominating this person?
In no more than 50 words, introduce us to your nominee. Who are they? What makes them exceptional? What have they done or achieved that inspired you to nominate them?
Question 2
- How does your nominee meet the eligibility criteria?
In no more than 400 words, explain to us how your nominee meets one or more of the criteria. Tell us their story as comprehensively as you can, along with the nominee’s key achievements to demonstrate their outstanding contribution to whichever nomination category they fit into. Include examples that demonstrate the specific contribution of your nominee. How did this individual have an impact over and above what might have been expected of someone in their role? How did they lead or influence positive change? What makes them extraordinary in their field?
Question 3
- Does your nominee have any other awards?
Let us know if your nominee has received an Honorary Degree or has been recognised with any awards from other institutions.
Question 4
- Does your nominee have any connection with the University, Glasgow, and/or Scotland?
When considering their future role and/or relationship with the University, be as specific as you can about the positive impact they might have on our student/research community.
Question 5
- What role do you believe the nominee could play for the University and how might the relationship be deepened in future years?
An Honorary Graduate becomes a member of the University family. Tell us how you think we can work with your nominee moving forward.
Question 6
- How will they encourage and inspire our new graduates as they continue their own journey?
If successful, your nominee will have the opportunity to address Strathclyde students on their graduation day.
Examples of successful nominations
Looking for inspiration? You might find some hints and tips in these successful submissions – we’ve awarded all of these nominees Honorary Degrees. Take a look:
Submit a nomination
Ready to make your nomination? We can't wait to hear from you. Get started now.