Gender-based violenceMore on gender-based violence
What is gender-based violence (GBV)?
GBV covers a spectrum of violence and abuse, committed primarily, but not exclusively, against women by men. GBV describes behaviour that starts with objectification and unwanted comments and includes:
- intimidation
- harassment
- online abuse
- intimate image sharing
- domestic abuse
- physical and emotional abuse
- stalking
- sexual assault
- murder
The term also includes commercial sexual exploitation and so-called ‘honour-based’ violence, including female genital mutilation, forced marriages, and honour crimes.
Who experiences Gender-based Violence?
Here in Scotland, we use the term Gender-based Violence (GBV) because women and girls are much more likely to experience it and men are most likely to perpetrate it. This is a result of continued inequality in our society. However, the term recognises that men and the LGBT+ community can be victims too. Prevailing societal views of masculinity can make it difficult for males to identify themselves as victims of abuse and can prevent them from seeking help.
GBV affects people of every background and economic status and can occur within intimate partner relationships, same-sex relationships, professional and family relationships, community, and institutional settings.
It affects people of all ages, ethnicities, faiths, genders, gender assignments, sexual orientations, and nationalities. A child can experience peer-on-peer abuse by another child.
The Impact of Gender-based Violence
GBV is a global public health crisis and a major equality and human rights issue. It has a devastating impact on lives as well as serious social and economic consequences for individuals, children, families, communities, and wider societies.
Women, people with disabilities, LGBT+ people, and children are especially affected by GBV. Further factors such as pregnancy, caring responsibilities, financial dependency, poverty, and insecure housing or immigration status can heighten vulnerability to abuse, or further entrap people experiencing abuse.
We're here to help
If you've witnessed or experienced gender-based violence, we're here to help. We provide a safe, secure, and supportive environment and will be with you all the way throughout your experience.