Safe360°™Safe360°™ Safeguarding Policy

Safe360°™ is the University’s tailored safeguarding framework. Safeguarding means protecting people’s health, safety, wellbeing and human rights within the context of university activity, enabling all of us to learn, work, and live free from harm.

Policy statement

Every person has the right to live a life free from harm, abuse, and neglect.

The University of Strathclyde is committed to creating and promoting a safe and respectful environment enabling students, staff and members of its community to learn, work and live free from harm, abuse, neglect or exploitation. Our social contract to take care of one another sits at the heart of this safeguarding policy.

The University of Strathclyde leads by example and seeks to ensure that safeguarding is evident and influenced at all levels and with a heightened focus on possible abuses of power that might lead to bullying, harassment, or sexual misconduct. All who govern University decisions work together to develop a culture that enables anyone to report concerns, and to monitor safeguarding protocol to identify, and address any gaps or weaknesses.

This policy applies to everyone working and volunteering for the University of Strathclyde, or acting on the University’s behalf. It outlines our collective commitment to the care and protection of all who use, or are beneficiaries of our services, participate in activities organised by the university or those involved in research, outreach or development programmes across our physical, digital and global campus.

Our commitment to equality, diversity and fair treatment for all underpins this policy. All members of the University community, regardless of age, gender, disability, ethnic origin, care or socio-economic status have a right to be protected from all forms of prejudice or discrimination.

The university does not act in loco parentis (in place of a parent) for any student or staff member; but in general terms, the University has a duty of care to its staff and students, and to safeguard the welfare of children and adults. The following legislation underpins this policy:

Related University priorities

Please see related university priorities diagram description on page.

This Safeguarding Policy is central to our University of Strathclyde Safe360°™ Framework.

Underpinned by our People Strategy and collective commitment to the Student Experience, safeguarding is considered as the fourth pillar helping to deliver our socially progressive mission, and duty to deliver:

  • Equality & diversity
  • Health, safety & wellbeing
  • Data protection & information sharing
  • Safeguarding in research & international programmes
  • Grants & contracts
  • Governance, leadership, culture & behaviour
  • Safer recruitment, training & supervision
  • Designing safeguarding into University systems, activity & events
  • Safeguarding children
  • Safeguarding adults, wellbeing & mental health
  • Digital safeguarding
  • Support for students
  • Support for staff

All above functions are supported by our online reporting tool, Report and Support.

Related University policies, guidance and links for support are shared on the University’s Safe360°™ webpage.