Under the terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) you have the right to ask the University to provide you with any recorded information it holds. For example, information about staff or student numbers.
Before submitting a request we advise you to check the University's Publication Scheme. The information you want may already be available online or elsewhere.
The following should be considered when making a request for information:
- a request for information needs to be in writing, e.g. by email or letter
- a clear description of the information you want must be provided
- please provide your contact details along with your full name so that we may contact you quickly if there are any problems with your enquiry
- if you require information in a particular way/format, then this should be stated in the request
When you request information under FOISA it must be provided to you, or you must be told why it will not be provided, within 20 working days.
If you wish to make a FOI request please contact foi@strath.ac.uk or see our publication scheme for details of what information we routinely publish.
Under data protection legislation you have the right to know what information is held about you and have access to your personal data. If you wish to exercise this right please contact dataprotection@strath.ac.uk or see our accessing your information section for further information.