The Quality Assurance Committee exercises responsibility for the operational delivery of the education strategy and reports into the Education Strategy Committee on progress within the key prioritised areas. Reporting is aligned with metrics, for internal reporting purposes, eg to the Executive Team and Court and for external reporting purposes, eg to the SFC on Outcomes Agreements and the QAA.
- NSS and other student-experience surveys
- Examination monitoring
- Progress and awards
- External Examiners Reports
- Faculty Annual Reports: Quality Assurance and Enhancement
- Partnerships, joint awards, etc, with other institutions, UK and overseas
- Institution-led Reviews
- Monitoring of student appeals and discipline and effectiveness of process(es)
- Ordinances and Regulations
- External reporting eg to the QAA
- Oversight of Updates to the University’s Regulatory Framework
- Education Risk Register
- Oversight of the University’s partnership with International Study Centre (ISC)
- Recommend for approval, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of academic policies
- Ratifying decisions made by the Boards of Study in relation to the creation and amendment of student prizes
Committee members
- Deputy Associate Principal (Education) (Chair)
- Convener of Learning Enhancement Committee
- The Vice-Deans (Academic)
- Assistant Faculty Managers (or equivalent)
- Two students appointed by the Students’ Association
- Two/three Professional Services Managers
- A representative of Senate