Images of Research: Progress through partnership
Insights in autism: serious gameplay
Category: Picture of health
Autism is a psychological disorder that affects 1 in 58 children. Early detection and support offer the best possible outcome, however, autism is not easily diagnosed and waitlists can be very long. Working with partner neuropsychiatrists, we are developing wearable technology and serious, but fun, iPad games for children. Using artificial intelligence, we can analyse their gameplay to identify autism, providing a new route to early detection for improved clinical and educational support.
Entrant: Jonathan Delafield-Butt , Education
Copyright: Jonathan Delafield-Butt
Funding: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Impact Acceleration Account, grant ref: EP/K503861/1
Collaborators: Phil Rowe, Ivan Andonovic, Christos Tachtatzis, Szu-Ching Lu, University of Glasgow: Helen Minnis and Alex McConnachie, University of Gothenburg: Chris Gillberg, University of Aberdeen: Phil Wilson, University of Southern California: Lisa Aziz-Zadeh, Nanyang Technological University: Domenico Campolo, Uiniversity of Warsaw: Anna Anzulewicz,and Krzysiek Sobota. Mariusz Radomyski (photographer)
Entrant profile: