Strathclyde Business SchoolDepartment of Accounting & Finance

Our Research

The Department of Accounting & Finance consists of a committed team of dedicated faculty and doctoral students, pursuing innovative research in accounting, finance and cognate disciplines. Our researchers are grouped according to their primary interest in accounting or finance. Both these areas include new research in financial technology (Fintech).

Our experts have been undertaking theoretical and empirical research in the fields of accounting, corporate finance, and financial markets. We are developing expertise in the fields of banking, FinTech, and sustainability. Our publications appear in world class journals such as the Review of Financial Studies, Accounting Review, British Accounting Review, Accounting, Organizations & Society, European Journal of Operations Research, and Journal of Corporate Finance.

We recognise the importance of cross-disciplinary research to tackle today’s complex challenges, so provide leadership and participation in the University’s Strategic Research Themes in-line with our Strategic Plan and Vision 2025. On an interdisciplinary level, the department contributes inter alia to the University’s wider strategic themes of Innovation & Entrepreneurship and Health & Wellbeing.

Areas of Research


A rich and exciting body of research is undertaken, from both a positive and normative standpoint, in core areas of both management and financial accounting. More specifically, our research covers a wide range of areas, including social and environmental accounting, accounting for risk, the economic, political and social impact of accounting on our everyday lives, financial reporting and corporate decision-making.

There is a long-running and strong track-record in undertaking empirical investigations, for example, in the areas of social welfare, on small businesses and venture capital investment, in the protection of human rights and engagement on environmental risk and 'materiality' thresholds for climate adaptation.

The newer area of Fintech crosses over with accounting research. Some examples are, computation, artificial intelligence and large-scale data processing in financial service, identity, security, data privacy and their regulation in financial services, the regulatory challenges of fintech.



Our Finance researchers work in all of the core sub-disciplines of finance, and have published widely in areas including, for example, corporate finance and corporate governance. We have expertise across the board, including in the application of decision-making techniques and financial econometrics.

Exciting new developments are taking place in the area of financial technology (FinTech), and our aim is to be at the forefront of this research. We have expertise in addressing practical finance problems through the use of new technologies. Some key themes in the fintech area include, cryptocurrencies, central banks and financial stability, financial disintermediation due to loan-based and/or equity-based crowdfunding, the changing structure and organisation of banking and financial services, the use of blockchain in domestic and international payments and the use of fintech to address the unbanked, vulnerable and/or excluded customers



Strathclyde Business School
University of Strathclyde
199 Cathedral Street
G4 0QU

Triple accredited

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