Our Finance researchers work in all of the core sub-disciplines of finance and have published widely in areas including, for example, corporate finance and corporate governance. We have expertise across the board, including in the application of decision-making techniques and financial econometrics.
Exciting new developments are taking place in the area of financial technology (FinTech), and our aim is to be at the forefront of this research. We have expertise in addressing practical finance problems through the use of new technologies, for example, algorithm trading and online portfolio selection.
Current work within the Department explores innovative swaps, both in entrepreneurship and the hedge fund seeding business, to alleviate the serious financing constraints caused by asymmetric information.
Our key themes
- Asset pricing
- Banking, regulations & financial stability
- Corporate financial decisions & restructuring
- Corporate governance
- Derivatives & risk management
- Financial technology
- International investments
- Market microstructure
- Mergers & acquisitions
- Venture capital & managed fund performance
Research staff
- Graeme Acheson
- Dimitris Andriosopoulos
- Devraj Basu
- James Bowden
- Mark Cummins
- Jonathan Fletcher
- David Hillier
- Muhan Hu
- Kyung Kwon
- Linxiang Ma
- Andrew Marshall
- Patrick McColgan
- Biwish Neupane
- Livia Pancotto
- Leilei Tang
- Chandra Thapa
- Lijie Yu
- Hai Zhang
Our research in the area of finance has been published in notable journals such as:
- Journal of Financial Economics
- Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
- Management Science
- Journal of International Business Studies
- Journal of Empirical Finance
- Journal of Business Finance and Accounting
- Journal of Corporate Finance
- European Financial Management
- Journal of Financial Research
- Journal of Banking and Finance
- Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting