Our accounting researchers have an excellent track record in investigating a wide range of issues relevant to modern day society. From primary-source empirical data gathering to large-scale database analysis, we seek to understand the use of accounting in all its contexts.
Some of our interdisciplinary work seeks to explore the notion of multiple capitals and theories of value, for example, work on financial reporting has looked at corporate incentives, decision-making processes, and the consequences of accounting choices.
Our key themes
- Accounting & financial management of SMEs
- Accounting for utilities
- Choice of accounting standards & methods
- Living wage
- Management accounting
- Social & environmental accounting & accountability
- Venture capital decisions in high-technology investments
Research staff
In recent years staff's publications have appeared in prominent journals such as:
- Accounting, Organizations and Society
- Critical Perspectives on Accounting
- Accounting, Auditing and Accountability
- Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy
- R&D Management
- British Accounting Review
- Review of Accounting Studies
- Accounting Review