EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship & enterprise policy

This sub-theme explores the types of government interventions and support programmes that are necessary to help new firms grow and become resilient to external shocks.



Suzanne Mawson

Suzanne Mawson’s work focuses on high growth/scale-up entrepreneurship, including the nature and processes of growth in these firms, their support requirements (financial and otherwise) and the wider public policy context and support mechanisms designed for high growth firms/scale-ups (high growth entrepreneurship policy). She is also researching wider issues related to business growth including the role of entrepreneurial financing; the effect of changes in ownership structure and business models; the development and impact of business accelerator programmes at both firm and economy levels.

Anna Spadavecchia

Anna Spadavecchia’s recent work in Entrepreneurship Policy focussed on the impact of national and regional policies in the development of clusters (Clusters 2020). Focusing on countries such as Italy, Anna has also examined the political economy of financing small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) (Political Economy) and the relationship between local banks and SMEs, as compared with the relationship between large banks and corporations (Small Businesses and Local Banks).