EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship in developing countries

An exploration of the dynamics and challenges associated with entrepreneurship in developing world contexts.



Dilshod Makhmadshoev

Dilshod Makhmadshoev recently (2018) conducted a fieldwork in Central Asia, partly funded by Birkbeck, University of London, to explore the impact of institutional change on entrepreneurship growth and SME development in post-Soviet countries in the periphery.

This has resulted in a paper focusing on the impact of institutional uncertainty on HRM systems of export-oriented SMEs in Kyrgyzstan. The paper has just been published in International Journal of Human Resource Management.

Dilshod is also involved in a project to better understand the involvement of SMEs from developing countries in, and their internationalisation strategies through, Global Value Chains (GVC). He is currently working on this project with colleagues from two other universities – University of Essex and Aarhus University – in revising a systematic literature review paper for a peer-reviewed journal.

This review will be used as a base for the subsequent grant application to better understand social and environmental sustainability in GVCs and in particular, the sustainability challenges facing emerging market firms participating in GVCs.