Evaluation of automated technologies in community pharmacy
2016 - 2020
This project, funded by the Scottish Government, evaluates technology-enabled change for the release of pharmacists’ time to deliver enhanced clinical care. It provides evidence and insight to support the delivery of the highest possible quality of pharmaceutical care to all by using clinical and other pharmacy staff skills optimally, and assesses how this evidence best supports the implementation of technology that maximises impact in relation to this aim.
The Innovating Works team at SCER (Professor Patricia Findlay, Johanna McQuarrie and Dr Kendra Briken) undertook the evaluation with colleagues from the Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences (Professor Marion Bennie and Ms. Emma D. Corcoran) and the Department of Management Science (Dr Robert van der Meer).
Drivers of productivity impacts of underemployment
This project explores the spatial patterns in short-hours and underemployment as well as employer views of the drivers of underemployment and its impact on productivity. It draws on this insight, along with engagement with policy stakeholders and academic experts to, to arrive at policy prescriptions on reducing underemployment and enhancing productivity and skills formation.
Funded by the Productivity Insights Network (PIN), the project team includes Professor Colin Lindsay and Dr Robert Stewart (SCER) with Professor Donald Houston (University of Portsmouth) and Graeme Smith (General Secretary, Scottish trades Union Congress).
Approach to assessing the new National Performance Indicator (NPI) ‘Public services treat people with dignity and respect’
This research provides the Scottish Government with a better understanding of dignity and respect in relation to public services and a range of options, with clearly described advantages and disadvantages, on how this indicator can be assessed and track progress in Scotland over time. This evidence will contribute to discussions and decisions about the measurement of how ‘Public services treat people with dignity and respect’ in the NPF.
The research team includes Professors Colin Lindsay and Patricia Findlay with Dr Robert Stewart, Scottish Centre for Employment Research, and Dr Elke Loeffler, Department of Work, Employment and Organisation, University of Strathclyde.
The construction industry in Scotland
SCER and FAI were commissioned by the STUC to investigate working practices in the construction industry in Scotland. It is widely recognised that the industry makes an important contribution to the Scottish economy, not least through public infrastructure investment and contracts. However, a number of concerns have been raised by the STUC and affiliate unions about a range of unfair labour practices that disadvantage workers in the industry. The project focuses on analysing the industry profile, assessing the economic impact of the sector, identifying the opportunities to shape practice that supports fair work, and reflecting on the role of public procurement in delivering a safe, successful and fair construction industry.
The research team includes Professor Patricia Findlay and Dr Eli Dutton, Scottish Centre for Employment Research and Mairi Spowage, Fraser of Allander Institute at University of Strathclyde.
Developing the young workforce Glasgow
Developing Young Workforce Glasgow (DYWG), operating as part of Glasgow Chamber of Commerce (GCoC), commissioned the Fraser of Allander Institute (FAI) and the Scottish Centre for Employment Research (SCER) at the University of Strathclyde to review skills demand and supply in Glasgow.
The research understands the match between skills supply and demand across Glasgow, and identifies how engagement between business and skills systems can develop the young workforce. The results help to provide an evidence base for the next stages of Glasgow Employer Board (GEB) and DYWG project activity, and help inform the delivery of the City Region's ambitions for sustainable economic growth and the development of a more inclusive workforce.
The review team includes Professors Graeme Roy and Patricia Findlay with Joanna Butler.
NHS Scotland Staff Experience and Continuous Improvement Model: Research into Implementation
This research evaluates the implementation and impact of iMatter – the staff engagement model for the NHS in Scotland.
Staff engagement is central to Scottish Government’s responsibility to monitor NHS Staff Governance Standards. Such engagement can support improved NHS patient/client care outcomes and is an integral part of partnership working in NHS Scotland. Staff engagement practices represent one important element of employee voice (a core element of the Fair Work Framework), with the potential to support innovation and change at every level from immediate teams to Health Boards and the wider NHS by harnessing views, opinions and behaviours that contribute to continuous improvements in practice.
This project gathers insights of staff and managers on iMatter’s contribution to supporting staff engagement and continuous improvement, informing the future development of practice in this area.
The research team includes Professor Colin Lindsay, Dr Robert Stewart, Professor Patricia Findlay, Professor Dora Scholarios & Johanna McQuarrie, Scottish Centre for Employment Research with Professor Roma Maguire, Computer and Information Services, University of Strathclyde.
Review of partnership working in NHS Scotland
This project investigates whether current national and local partnership arrangements, including the Scottish Partnership Forum (SPF), the Scottish Workforce and Staff Governance Committee (SWAG), and the Scottish Terms and Conditions Committee (STAC), remain suitable for delivering the system-wide changes which are needed in coming years to meet the challenges addressed in: the Delivery Plan; the National Workforce Plan; delivering realistic medicine; the clinical strategy; digital health; new models of care; and continued integration. It assesses whether the current arrangements remain fit for purpose and what, if anything, needs to change in the context of the policy and resourcing landscape and evolving health and social care roles, structures and relationships.
The research team includes Professor Patricia Findlay, Dr Robert Stewart and Professor Colin Lindsay from Scottish Centre for Employment Research, University of Strathclyde.
What works: influencing employers on work and poverty
2017 - 2018
The Scottish Centre for Employment Research with funding from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation have put together, in collaboration with employers, a toolkit for tackling in-work poverty.
This research understands and addresses the barriers faced by employers to offering jobs that combat poverty: good quality, secure jobs, paying at least the Living Wage, providing enough hours and opportunities for progression for all staff. We are also considering the value to employees of fringe benefits, salary sacrifice schemes, and employers’ active engagement with their workforce’s financial well-being.
The work includes a range of key stakeholders, including trade unions, industry bodies, Chambers of Commerce, and local and national government, with a focus on firms in the hospitality, retail, food production and facilities management sectors.
The research team includes Professors Patricia Findlay and Colin Lindsay, Dr Amy Watson and Dr Doug Young from Scottish Centre for Employment Research, University of Strathclyde.
FITwork in social care
2016 – 2017
The 'Fair, Innovative and Transformative work' (FITwork) Project engaged with a range of Scottish employers to explore how to get the best from their key resources (people, processes, and relationships) to deliver on organisational objectives, promote workplace innovation and improve the quality of work for employees. Even in sectors where resources are tight, changes in how work is organised can create opportunities for employees to innovate and collaborate, resulting in better jobs for employees, benefits for organisations, and (crucially) positive outcomes for service users.
The social care sector is a key employer and is a crucial component Scotland’s health and social services infrastructure. By helping to test out innovative changes in work design, the ‘Fair, Innovative and Transformative Work in the Scottish Social Care Sector’ project shares lessons on how we can empower people working in care settings to innovate, improve their job quality, and identify resourcing and other challenges that need to be overcome if we are to maximise the potential of care employees.
The research team includes Professor Colin Lindsay, Dr Amy Watson and Dr Doug Young from Scottish Centre for Employment Research, University of Strathclyde.
Fair, Innovative and Transformative Work (FITwork)
2015 - 2018
This project provides the evidence base and collaborative networks to influence strategic deliberations on future workplace innovation policy and practice in Scotland and to contribute to international debates on fair, innovative and transformative work (FITwork) that delivers benefits to individuals, organisations and societies.
Fair Work is now an important part of the policy and practitioner landscape in Scotland and SCER’s previous research and knowledge exchange activities on improving skills and learning, job quality, ensuring equality, employment regulation and workplace innovation have made a significant contribution to academic, policy and practitioner debates in this area,or example, through SCER’s Innovating Works project which helped SMEs to explore the potential of workplace innovation (View the Innovating Works... March 2015 report). The FITwork project addresses key workplace and labour market challenges – and their broader ramifications - holistically and from a mutual gains perspective.
This research is funded by the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise, Skills Development Scotland, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the Scottish Funding Council and supported by the Scottish Trades Union Congress. Partnership funding and a commitment to fair, innovative and transformative work will support close collaboration with policymakers, public agencies, employers, employees, unions and other stakeholders in Scotland. A governance group of key partners advises on project activities.
The FITwork project comprises SCER staff (Professors Patricia Findlay and Colin Lindsay, Johanna McQuarrie, and Dr Rachelle Pascoe-Deslauriers), SBS staff (Dr Dominic Chalmers) as well as colleagues from the University of Glasgow (Jeanette Findlay and Dr Alison Smart).
Workplace Innovation Consortium (WIC)
2014 - 2015
This 12-month pilot project, funded by ERDF, Scottish Funding Council (SFC) and Scottish Enterprise (SE) and the University of Strathclyde, provides an industry facing Workplace Innovation Consortium (WIC) to support organisational change and innovation in SMEs. The WIC unites multi-disciplinary academic expertise with industry leaders across Scotland’s key sectors, STUC, SE and SFC to identify workplace challenges, evaluate alternative responses and solutions, develop and test tools aimed at enhancing leadership, effective workforce utilisation, business processes and enterprising behaviour and provide expert support to deliver outcomes that align the needs of all workplace stakeholders.
It will applies best practice from research on employee-led innovation, workplace development and entrepreneurial state activity in real work situations to establish their effectiveness in improving productivity and the quality of working life, focusing on how business innovation can improve workplace performance and promote greater equality, sustainability and social inclusion.
The project includes staff from SCER (Professor Patricia Findlay, Eli Dutton, Dr Colin Lindsay, and Karen Cunningham), the department of Management Science (Dr Jill MacBryde and James Wilson) and the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship (Dominic Chalmers and Russell Matthews).
Work, Employment, Skills and Training: Where next for Scotland?
2013 - 2014
The Economic and Social Research Council's (ESRC) Future of the UK and Scotland programme of research and activities was set up to both inform the debate in the run-up to the referendum on constitutional change, and to assist in planning across a wide range of policy areas, whatever the outcome of the vote.
The WEST Project (ESRC: RES-107-28-0001) on Work, Employment, Skills and Training focuses on three key substantive areas of policy and practice:
1. skills and training
2. employment broadly defined
3. the workplace
Examining the governance of work, employment and skills issues, the project gathers data on the key challenges facing Scotland. It explores what is possible in the constitutional framework pre-referendum and future scenarios, and has involved interviews with senior figures from Government, the civil service, employers and employer's organisations, trade unions, public agencies and civil society organisations. The project has not sought the views of individuals or their organisations on the merits or otherwise of constitutional change.
The research team includes Professors Patricia Findlay and Colin Lindsay with Johanna Commander (SCER) and from SKOPE, Professors Ewart Keep and Ken Mayhew with Stephanie Wilde.
Women in Manufacturing
Funded by Close the Gap, this project maps women’s participation within the manufacturing cluster labour market in Scotland. It identifies occupational segregation, gendered skills gaps, and gender differences in participation in related modern apprenticeship frameworks and other skill pipelines. The research also examines the impact of women’s participation on earnings and on the gender pay gap within the manufacturing cluster.
The research team includes Dr Pauline Anderson, Professor Patricia Findlay and Johanna Commander.
Human Resource Development (HRD) Capacity in Scotland
This small pilot research project, commissioned by the centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance (SKOPE) at the University of Oxford, examines the capacity of firms in Scotland to deliver HRD. Specifically, it explores what activity exists, the extent to which HRD is outsourced and how this provision aligns with Scottish Government ambitions of economic growth through skills utilisation.
Johanna McQuarrie (SCER) undertook the research.
Using smart metrics to support equality and diversity
This small consultancy project, funded by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHS GC&C), investigates the monitoring, dissemination and use of workforce equality and diversity data within the Health Board and compares this with effective practice elsewhere. The evaluation assists NHS GG&C to make the best use of their workforce equality data to improve equality and diversity performance and in so doing to deliver on key NHS and Scottish Government targets.
The project team includes Professor Patricia Findlay and Eli Dutton.
Impact of Robotics-Led Organisational Change on the Pharmacy Workforce
Funded by the University of Strathclyde seed-corn programme Bridging the Gap for 6 months, this multi-disciplinary project evaluates the issues faced by an NHS organisation in aligning a major technical innovation project with organisational and social innovation, particularly in relation to HR practices and job quality. The project is supported by the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Pharmacy Prescribing and Support Unit.
The research team includes Professors Patricia Findlay Marion Bennie, Dr Robert Van der Meer, Johanna Commander, Emma D Corcoran and Dr Colin Lindsay.
2011 Graduates on the property ladder: Skills, work and employment in a graduatising industry
This ESRC funded project examines the use of graduate skills in estate agency work. Within UK government - both old and new - there is a clear policy belief in upskilling, particularly through higher education, as the key to economic competitiveness. However despite the increased number of graduates in the UK labour market, this improved competiveness has not been delivered. Instead there are concerns about skill mismatches in the graduate labour market amidst a tightening of the labour market generally. At the same time, some occupations are engaging in professionalisation projects, a key aspect of which is the colonisation of previously non-graduate occupations by graduates.
The project team includes from SCER, Johanna McQuarrie, Dr Susan James and Dr Gerbrand Tholen (SKOPE, University of Oxford and Professor Chris Warhurst (University of Sydney).
2011 The Role of Trade Unions in Effective Skills Utilisation
This small research project, commissioned by the Scottish Trades Union Congress, examines skills utilisation activity in unionised workplaces and the role of the unions in shaping that activity. Three case studies are undertaken to examine skills utilisation in practice.The project team includes Professor Patricia Findlay, Johanna Commander and Professor Chris Warhust (University of Sydney).
2009 Knowledge Transfer Partnership with the STUC
This KTP, funded by the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) and the Technology Strategy Board, is developing a knowledge management system and a learning network to support the strategic development of union-led learning in Scotland.
2009 Making Bad Jobs Better - ESRC Seminar series 2009 to 2011
The Making Bad Jobs Better seminar series, funded by the ESRC, brings together academics, policy makers and practitioners to discuss existing research on bad jobs, generate policy proposals and identify new research agendas. The labour market is increasingly polarised into good and bad jobs. Even prior to the recession, low skill, low wage jobs were expanding and becoming entrenched. Moreover, research reveals a ‘bad jobs trap’ that restricts mobility out of such jobs. The UK Government has recently made ‘making bad jobs better’ a policy priority and international research indicates that bad jobs can indeed be made better. However, this research needs to be marshalled, evaluated and applied to the UK context.
The seminar series team includes Professor Chris Warhurst and Johanna Commander from SCER, University of Strathclyde, Professors Ewart Keep and Caroline Lloyd, SKOPE, Cardiff University and, Dr Patricia Findlay University of Edinburgh.
2009 Sex Discrimination and the Gender Pay Gap in Financial Services
Funded by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, this research looks at the patterns of pay and career advancement by gender in the biggest financial organisations in the UK. As part of a General Formal Investigation (GFI), access is granted to company records and policies.
The research team from SCER comprises Professor Chris Warhurst, Kay Gilbert and Johanna Commander with Dr Patricia Findlay from the University of Edinburgh.
2008 Perceptions, Expectations and Experiences of HRM
Funded by University's Principal's Fund.
This research, focuses on the perceptions, expectations and experiences of three cohorts of full-time students (2005/6, 2006/7, 2007/8) studying a CIPD-accredited Postgraduate Diploma/MSc in Human Resource Management. It draws on surveys, focus groups and interviews to consider students perceptions of the role of HR, how their views changed during the course of the academic year, their initial thoughts on pursuing an HR career and early experiences as HR practitioners.
As well as providing invaluable data to assess student perceptions of their pedagogical experiences the unique longitudinal aspect to the researchenables us build up a rich picture of career trajectories and to assess continuity and change in the HR profession. The research has been recognised with the award of the prestigious Professor Ian Beardwell prize for Best Research Paper at the 2008 CIPD Centres Conference.
2007 Mental Health Guidance and the Workplace: An Exploration of Trade Union and Employer Partnership
With mental ill health the second biggest cause of sickness absence in the UK, workforce well-being is a key issue for government and employers. Having an established role in health and safety issues, mental health is also a potential new area for trade union involvement.
Funded by the STUC and analysing secondary data, this project maps existing workplace mental health guidance practice against trade union capacities. It then assesses the possibility of trade unions working in partnership with employers to provide better workplace guidance for employees with mental health issues.
The research team includes Dr Robert Stewart Professor Chris Warhurst.
2007 Scottish Survey of Student Expenditure and Debt
Funded by Scottish Government, this research examines student finances and need for term-time employment with view to informing policy thinking in the area.
The project team includes Professor Chris Warhurst, Johanna Commander, Dr Dennis Nickson, Scott Hurrell and Anna Symeonides from SCER with colleagues from the Department of Management at the University of Glasgow; Professors Andy Furlong and Fiona Wilson and Jeanette Findlay.
2007 Soft Skills in the Retail Industry
Funded in the UK by the Nuffield Foundation, this research examines retail employers' soft skill demands across recruitment and selection, training and work practices. It is international comparative research with teams from the universities of Sydney in Australia and Karlstad in Sweden.
The research team for SCER includes Professor Chris Warhurst, Dr Dennis Nickson, Johanna Commander and Scott Hurrell.
2007 Valuable Assets: Phase 2 of A General Formal Investigation into the Role and Status of Classroom Assistants in Scotland's Secondary and Special Schools
For the Equal Opportunities Commission Scotland.
This research forms part of a General Formal Investigation (GFI) of the role and status of classroom assistants in Scotland's schools. This phase of the research extended the analysis into secondary and special schools.
The research team includes Professor Chris Warhurst, Dr Dennis Nickson, Kay Gilbert, Johanna Commander and Dr Abigail Marks.
2007 Valuable Assets: A Study of Pay, Working and Overtime in Scotland’s Primary, Secondary and Special Schools
For the Equal Opportunities Commission Scotland.
This research forms part of a General Formal Investigation (GFI) of the role and status of classroom assistants in Scotland's schools. This phase of the research includes a national survey of 1,282 classroom assistants in primary, secondary and special schools across Scotland to assess issues surrounding overtime, working hours and pay.
The research team includes Professor Chris Warhurst, Dr Dennis Nickson, Kay Gilbert, Johanna Commander and Scott Hurrell.
2006 The New National Performance and Development Review (PDR) Process: An evaluation
For the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland.
This research evaluates the introduction of a new performance and development review (PDR) process piloted in one Scottish police force. Primary data is generated through questionnaires, interviews and a series of focus groups with senior management, operational management, police officers, special units and support staff.
The research team comprises Professor Chris Warhurst, Dr Steve Paton, Dr Dennis Nickson and Cliff Lockyer.
2006 For Mutual Interest: Trade Unions and Co-operative Employment Development in Scotland
For Co-operative Development Scotland and the Scottish Trades Union Congress.
This pilot research examines the feasibility of trade union involvement in the establishment of co-operative employment agencies. Primary data is generated through interviews with a number of key individuals involved with particular case studies plus secondary data analysis.
The research team includes Professor Chris Warhurst, Johanna Commander, Dr Patricia Findlay, Professor Jeff Hyman and Dr Dennis Nickson.
2006 Valuable Assets: A General Formal Investigation into the Role and Status of Classroom Assistants in Scotland's Primary Schools
For the Equal Opportunities Commission Scotland.
Based on the earlier pilot research conducted by SCER, the EOC instigated a General Formal Investigation (GFI) of the role and status of classroom assistants in Scotland's primary schools. As part of the GFI, SCER was commissioned to conduct a national survey of classroom assistants, teachers and head teachers. Primary data was generated from a Scotland-wide, large scale survey sent to over 1000 primary schools. Interviews were also conducted with Directors of Education and the Scottish Executive Education Department.
The research team includes Professor Chris Warhurst, Dr Dennis Nickson, Kay Gilbert, Isobel Calder and Johanna Commander.
2005 to 2007 Low-wage Work in Europe
For the ESRC Centre for Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance.
Funded by the Russell Sage Foundation, this project compares the quality of low-wage employment in a range of industries in the US with that found in Europe. The European countries involved in this project include Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. SCER undertakes the analysis of the UK hotel industry. Primary data is generated from case studies, temporary work agencies, representatives from a sector careers promotion organisation, a trade union and a low wage campaign group.
The research team for the hotel work includes Professor Chris Warhurst, Eli Dutton, Dr Dennis Nickson, Professor Caroline Lloyd and Dr Susan James.
2005 Learning to Organise/Organising to Learn
For the Learning and Skills Unit, Trades Union Congress, this research project examines the relationship between learning and trade union organising at the workplace level. The project focuses on ‘good practice' case studies in England and identifies the key points and lessons arising from these case studies. Primary qualitative data is generated from three organisations: a hospital trust, a financial services firm and a distribution firm.
The research team comprises Professors Chris Warhurst and Paul Thompson with Dr Patricia Findlay.
2005 Review of Best Practice HRM in Tourism Organisations
For National Tourism Development Authority (CERT), Ireland.
This project identifies a series of good practice approaches to HRM in a range of service-based organisations. Based on secondary material, thirteen individual cases contribute to highlighting a variety of different HR practices in areas such as work/life balance, recruitment strategies, workforce diversity and communication.
The research team comprises Eli Dutton, Professor Tom Baum, Dr Dennis Nickson and Professor Chris Warhurst.
2005 Police Control Rooms
For UNISON, this research focuses on the content and organisation of police call handlers' work including issues such as the control of work, pressures, shift patterns, training, career structure etc and on how staff perceive relations with control room management.
The research team comprises Professor Phil Taylor, Peter Bain and Eli Dutton.
2005 Evaluation of the Scottish Union Learning Fund (SULF) 2000 to 2005
For The Department of Enterprise, Transport and Lifelong Learning, Scottish Executive Social Research.
This project includes an evaluation of all SULF projects since 2001. A mixture of qualitative and quantitative research, it involves a series of questionnaires, surveys, interviews and case studies across a range of industries and Scottish stakeholders' government, employers, trade unions, employees and training providers.
The research team comprises Professor Chris Warhurst, Eli Dutton, Dr Patricia Findlay and Dr Robert Stewart.
2004 The Role and Status of Classroom Assistants in Scotland
For the Equal Opportunities Commission.
This pilot research evaluates the role and status of classroom assistants in Scotland, focussing on four key issues:
1. the characteristics of classroom assistants
2. perceptions and expectations of classroom assistants
3. the work of classroom assistants
4. classroom assistants' terms of employment
Primary data is generated through a survey of classroom assistants, head teachers and teachers in primary schools and parents.
The research team includes Professor Chris Warhurst, Dr Dennis Nickson, Eli Dutton, Isobel Calder, Kay Gilbert, and Kirsty Wallace.
2004 Recruitment in the Scottish Voluntary Sector
For the Scottish Voluntary Organisations' Human Resource Network, this project examines recruitment problems and opportunities in the Scottish voluntary sector. Primary data is generated through empirical research drawn from seven case study organisations and research undertaken with those involved in labour supply issues such as New Deal advisors, career advisors and focus groups with potential employees.
The research team comprises Professor Chris Warhurst, Eli Dutton, and Dr Dennis Nickson.
2004 New Forms of Work and Organisation in the Creative Industries
For Sociological Research Institute (SOFI) University of Göttingen (UoG).
The project focuses on the disintegration of 'traditional' forms of organisation, work and employment driven by the shift from hierarchy to market and new IT. The analysis is sectoral, focusing on the new media and creative/cultural industries. The project forms the UK element of an international research project, led by the German team at UoG. The project provides an extensive literature review of the range of assumed shifts in the UK ranging through the levels of analysis (general, sector, firms, employee).
The research team includes Professor Chris Warhurst, Eli Dutton, and Professor Paul Thompson.
2004 Survey of Recruitment, Selection and Skills in the Glasgow Retail and Hospitality Industries
For the Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Department, Scottish Executive/ESRC Centre for Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance.
This project surveys the Glasgow retail and hospitality industries' labour markets. The aim is to develop a 'map' of jobs in these industries, with a particular focus on the range of skills. Evidence is gathered from two questionnaire-based surveys, of employers and employees. The findings demonstrate that both attitude and appearance, in the form of social or inter-personal skills and aesthetic or self-presentation skills, are rated as very important and are demanded by employers in these industries.
The research team comprises Professor Chris Warhurst, Dr Dennis Nickson, and Eli Dutton.
2003 New Deal Clients into IT Employment: Barriers and Opportunities
For the Glasgow Employer Coalition.
This project examines the possibilities for New Deal clients to obtain sustainable employment in the IT sector within the Greater Glasgow area. The project focuses on the software/programming occupations together with IT operations and user support work. The project involves a review of policy material and labour market data, and empirical research of a range of IT and related jobs. In addition to developing a new model of such jobs and their skill demands, the project also assesses opportunities for clients' employment in the IT sector and made recommendations related to that employment.
The research team includes Professor Chris Warhurst, Cliff Lockyer and Eli Dutton.
2003 Lone Parents into Retail Employment: Barriers and Opportunities
For the Glasgow Employer Coalition, this project assesses the viability of developing a strategy to encourage lone parents to enter employment with supermarkets in the Glasgow area. The project consists of a survey and series of interviews with human resource managers within supermarkets and a representative of the New Deal for Lone Parents in the Glasgow area.
The research team includes Professor Chris Warhurst, Cliff Lockyer, Dr Dennis Nickson, and Eli Dutton.
2002 Review of Market Failure and Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Scotland
For the Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Department, Scottish Executive.
This 'think piece' examines the nature of market failure in vocational education and training in Scotland, with the aim of informing policy making on VET in Scotland. The project involves an extensive literature review of the existing evidence, highlighting the policy implications and making recommendations for future research agendas. The material included pertains to VET generally and to Scotland specifically.
The research team comprises Professors Chris Warhurst and Paul Thompson.
2001 Guidance on Understanding Labour Markets
For Futureskills Scotland, Scottish Enterprise, this project provides a general understanding of how the labour market works. Combining information and analysis, the Guidance Note offers an accessible guide to the labour market with definitions and sources of further information. It is intended for those who wish to be able identify important points, issues and developments in the labour market or undertake labour market analysis. The Guidance Note draws upon data from the Scottish labour market to illustrate various general points, issues and developments.
Research team includes Professor Chris Warhurst and Cliff Lockyer.