Strathclyde Business SchoolDepartment of Work, Employment & Organisation

Our Research

Our research informs the University's Strategic Research Themes of Society & Policy, Health & Wellbeing, and Innovation & Entrepreneurship, and aligns with the University’s Vision 2025 Strategic Plan.

Staff bring a range of interdisciplinary perspectives to three broad research themes - Organising for Social and Digital Innovation, Labour Markets, Skills & Employability, and Regulation & Restructuring of Employment Relations in Global Context – and contribute to a several contemporary societal, global challenges (see Our Impact).

The Scottish Centre for Employment Research (SCER) sits within the Department and attracts funding for policy-related research from a range of sources - for example, the ESRC-funded ‘Improving management practices for productivity and wellbeing’ and PROPEL Hub - Productivity Outcomes of workplace Practice, Engagement and Learning.

For further details of individual staff and their areas of expertise, please see our staff web pages.

To search for research outputs and projects in the Department go here.



For all the latest SBS news please visit our news page.


For all the latest SBS events please visit our events page.

Contact details

 Undergraduate admissions
 +44 (0)141 548 4114 

 Postgraduate admissions
 +44(0)141 553 6116/6105/6117


Strathclyde Business School
University of Strathclyde
199 Cathedral Street
G4 0QU

Triple accredited

Picture of the 5 logos for SBS accreditation awards