Organising an event
Deliveries for exhibitions

We happily accept deliveries up to 24 hours before your event. All we ask is that you arrange collection of any items by 12pm on the next working day following the end of your event. Any items not collected by this time will be disposed of. 

Deliveries may only be made via our Stores entrance, normally between 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday. Packages will not be accepted at Reception.  

For more details, please Conferencing & Events A-Z, or contact your Event Manager. 

If you're planning a large exhibition or shipping multiple and/or large items of equipment, we recommend that you work with Cameron Event Logistics, who can collect packages from your premises, store them before and after exhibitions at their local warehouse and arrange delivery and return of your shipment. 

Delegates helping themselves to a buffet in Level 2 Foyer of the Technology and Innovation Centre.  Photo: Lucy Knott

Exhibition tables in the Techology and Innovation Centre.  Photo: Lucy Knott