Conferencing & EventsStrathclyde Community Commitment
The University of Strathclyde is proud to be a diverse, socially-progressive institution, welcoming staff, students and delegates from around the globe and from all walks of life.
In line with our Values and our pledge to provide a safe and secure environment in which the whole community can thrive, the University expects those booking and using our spaces to respect and behave in accordance with the Strathclyde Community Commitment.

Our Commitment
1. We look for opportunities to create a welcoming, safe and thriving environment that supports positive physical and mental wellbeing and encourages individuals to reach their full potential.
2. We celebrate diversity and recognise that it enriches our society and strengthens our community. We are committed to promoting equality and diversity and to challenging discriminatory behaviours, striving towards fairness for all.
3. We are free to express our opinions and challenge those opinions that differ from our own in an appropriate and respectful manner. We understand that displays of bullying, harassment, victimisation or discrimination will not be tolerated.
4. We treat everyone with openness, consideration, kindness and respect regardless of their job type, race, religion, disability, culture, gender or sexual orientation. We expect to be treated with similar kindness and respect.
5. When individuals don’t treat us or others with kindness and respect, we have the right to appropriately tell them this and ask them to change their behaviour, and/or raise our concerns through other appropriate means such as Report and Support, the portal that allows individuals to report security or safety incidents that have happened on our campus.
6. When others feel we haven’t treated them with kindness and respect, we accept their right to tell us this in an appropriate manner. We take responsibility for our actions, reflect on our behaviours, and will take account of this in the future.
7. We responsibly represent the Strathclyde Community Commitment through the way we behave and interact with others on campus, both in person and online.
You can find out more about the policies and guidance which underpin the Strathclyde Community Commitment on our Strathclyde Safe360°™ webpage. You can also use the Report and Support form to report any form of abuse, harassment, discrimination or hate and get support from an advisor.