The University of Strathclyde is a place of useful learning where we're recognised as being:
- People-oriented: committed to our staff and students, providing opportunities and investing in their development.
- Bold: confident and challenging about what we do, and supportive of appropriate and managed risk in our decision-making.
- Innovative: focused on discovering and applying knowledge with impact, and encouraging creative thinking and new ideas.
- Collaborative: working together, internally and externally, with integrity and in an open, respectful way.
- Ambitious: for our institution, staff and students as well as supporting the ambitions of our partners.
Making our values real
Being people-orientated
- Project SEARCH at the University of Strathclyde provides training or education leading to employment for individuals with disabilities.
- Students in Law act in conjunction with experienced mediators to provide free mediation services for those in the greater Glasgow area.
- The Strathclyde Medal recognises people who’ve made an important contribution to the University values in their work, relationships and achievements.
Being bold
- Cleaning Services with the help of our colleagues in Procurement and Energy Management, have developed a segregated waste system that has helped us reach - and surpass - the government target for refuse away from landfill.
- Finance Directorate – first to pilot the Strathclyde Business Improvement and are continuing this with further implementing process change.
- Stardust is a unique training and research network devoted to developing and mastering techniques for asteroid and space debris monitoring, removal/deflection and exploitation.
Being collaborative
- Get InTernational Week is a programme of cultural and educational events that provides opportunities for students to socialise, share experiences and inspire each other to embrace activities that will contribute to the development of a global mind-set.
- Athena Swan charter and awards are given to recognise commitment and progress towards advancing gender equality in UK academia. Four departments currently hold wards including a Silver for Civil and Environmental Engineering.
- We created the University of Strathclyde-GSK Doctoral Training Centre.
Being innovative
- The development of the HemoSep cell salvage device represents a new approach to blood salvage during major surgery.
- The Weir Advanced Research Centre, is an exemplar of academic-industry partnership in which Weir engineers work with Strathclyde academics on research and knowledge exchange projects.
Being ambitious
- Our widening access strategy is reflected in the Children’s University and the Age Friendly initiative.
- We had a record number of Strathclyde Business School students selected as Saltire Foundation interns, working with leading and entrepreneurial companies around the world.
- Strathclyde was presented with the Green Gown Award in 2014 for “institutional change and continuous improvement”.