ArchitectureWorking with business & organisations

We work together with industry and the professional & public sector through many different activities.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

The Department of Architecture is committed to providing opportunities for all to enhance their professional skills and knowledge. We run courses, seminars, workshops, conferences and research dissemination events.

Find out more about all our CPD activities.

Online CPD courses

The Department of Architecture is developing a series of online CPD courses on a range of topics in collaboration with researchers across the University of Strathclyde and with external partners. Find out more about our online CPD courses:

Bespoke CPD programmes  

We can develop bespoke CPD programmes in any of our research specialisms for architectural and design practices, the public sector or the professional community. Examples:

  • Courses in Urban Design Representation are offered by the Urban Design Studies Unit, for professional planners, urban designers and architects, who may have little or no experience in the use of design software.
  • Size Matters – directed at large architectural practices. Course leaflet - CPD SIZE MATTERS
  • Planning Assist – narrowing the gap between planners and architects. Course leaflet - CPD PLANNING ASSIST

How we can work with you

KTP:  We can help businesses & organisations in developing innovative solutions. One way we do this is through Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP). KTP is Europe’s leading programme helping business to improve their competitiveness and productivity through the better use of knowledge, technology and skills that reside within the UK knowledge base. Find out more about our current KTP projects.

Interface: Another way we can work with you is through Interface. Interface is a knowledge connection hub for businesses from a wide variety of national and international industries who are looking to access academic support. Services provided by Interface include:

  • bespoke, one to one projects
  • collaborative projects where groups of businesses and academics look to solve industry wide challenges
  • access to cutting-edge, cost effective facilities and existing technologies
  • advice on innovation related funding streams

Consultancy & bespoke research

We provide consultancy to businesses and private and public organisations, related to the expertise of our academics. The services we offer are:

  • projects
  • studies
  • bespoke research

Find out more about our KE projects.

Find out more about our leading research in architecture, built enivironment and urban design.

Working across the UK

Our staff organised five annual symposia and invited speakers from UK and international higher education institutions, professional associations, public organisations, business and industry.

  • Architecture(s) for Resilience, 3 May 2019
  • Frameworks for Social Innovation in Planning for the Built Environment, 19 May 2018
  • Social Innovation Systems for Building Resilient Communities, 16 June 2017
  • Decision-making – Place Making: Frameworks, Processes, Practice, 17 June 2016
  • Sustainability and Resilience of Buildings, Settlements, and the Natural Environment, 23 April 2015

Find out more about the impact of our research

Working internationally

SMART Cultural Heritage and Tourism

Professor Branka Dimitrijevic held a series of lectures on ‘SMART Cultural Heritage and Tourism’ to postgraduate students on the 19th February 2018 at the Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures at the University of Basilicata, Matera, Italy. 

Postgraduate Research students Murray Smith, Anosh Butt and Dalia Aly presented their research to their peers at the University of Basilicata on 16th June 2021

KLABS project

The Department of Architecture was one of 11 partners in a 3-year (2015-2018) project ‘Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments’ (KLABS), co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. KLABS is a pioneering educational platform that addresses two current and equally important challenges of urban and rural built environments in the Western Balkans – sustainability and resilience. Professor Branka Dimitrijevic represented the University of Strathclyde on the project management team and Professor Ashraf Salama and Doctor David Grierson were co-investigators on the project. 

Professor Branka Dimitrijevic co-edited one of the project outputs ‘Integrated urban planning : directions, resources and territories’ 


KLABS two logos

Our research expertise

We're leading the way to a more sustainable future in response to government, industry and societal needs and are at the forefront of research on how people and cities interact in a rapidly urbanising world. 

Find out more about our research themes and groups

How we can help you

  • Do you have a problem related to building design, low carbon technologies, conservation, urban planning or construction law that University expertise could assist you with?
  • Do you need support or funding to work with the University?
  • Are you interested in attending continuous professional development courses and productive networking events?   

Please get in touch with Professor Branka Dimitrijevic, Director of Knowledge Exchange, to discuss your requirements.
+44 (0) 141 548 3105

Image credit: End of Year Exhibition in our department, by Ross Campbell Phototographer.

Discover more about our collaborations with business

Glasgow Project Office

The office provided real design and construction opportunities as educational experiences for students. It enhanced educational, research and knowledge sharing activities through the staff and students’ engagement in live projects and community involvement.

Glasgow project office

Design & Sustainability

Sustainable design & technology

We have extensive testing and analysis capabilities for a range of building materials including timber and natural polymer building materials.