Educational ideas to encourage engagement with our research, teaching and knowledge exchange activities and to prompt dialogue about a wide range of educational issues

Strathclyde Institute of EducationOur blog archive 2020/21

Transferring skills and knowledge between contexts – implications for play-based learning?
In this reflection on a current research interest, recent doctoral candidate Jenny Zike addresses the issue of how what we learn in one context can transfer to another, and how this might affect early years settings.
Date: 02/06/2021

Feminist Repetitions in Higher Education
Maddie Breeze and Yvette Taylor discuss their new book and consider why feminist education continues to be so necessary.
Date: 23/04/2021

Creative Neuroscience
In the latest of our posts on misconceptions about learning, Jonathan Firth explores another concept that has a lot of support among teachers but lacks a solid foundation in research.
Date: 29/03/2021

The Nature and Purpose of Practitioner Enquiry
In the second of a two-part series blog, Kate Wall, Anna Beck and Nova Scott explain what is meant by 'practitioner enquiry' and why it is relevant to everyone from student teachers to those with retirement in their sights. The post borrows a section from Kate Wall and Lorna Arnott's new book 'Research Through Play : Participatory Methods in Early Childhood' out in spring 2021
Date: 12/02/2021

Practitioner Enquiry as a Base for Career Long Professional Learning
In the first of a two-part blog series, Kate Wall, Anna Beck and Nova Scott consider the interchange between research and practice, and explain the way that practitioner enquiry has become a foundation for several modules in the School of Education
Date: 04/02/2021

Understanding memory, and making it work for your students
In the second of our ‘mythbusting’ blog posts, Jonathan Firth considers popular misconceptions about memory, and discusses how an understanding of memory can help to inform teaching
Date: 14/12/2020

LGBTQI+ Representation in Higher Education
Damon Young discusses his experience of growing-up knowingly gay in mainstream education and the need for better representation on courses, specifically in Higher Education
Date: 14/11/2020

School Attendance and the Poverty-related Attainment Gap
Markus Klein and Edward Sosu discuss their work which aims to better understand socioeconomic inequalities in pupil absences
Date: 19/10/2020