Information ServiceseResources terms of use

Access restrictions and use of individual resources are determined by the service providers' licence agreements and terms of use. In signing the Student Access Form or the Library's Copyright Acknowledgement Form you agree to be bound by these conditions. These are legally binding. Any breach may result in loss of that information service to the entire University community.

Specific licence conditions may also apply to the use of of our database and ejournal services.


Access to our electronic resources is restricted to staff and registered students of the University of Strathclyde. Walk-in use is available for some categories of user. In signing the Student Access Form or the Library's Copyright Acknowledgement Form you agree to be bound by the Licences and Terms of Use of the various Electronic Resource Providers.


You must have a username and password to access those services where our database suppliers require it. Sharing a password with unauthorised users, including family, friends or co-workers, may result in revocation of access.

Permitted use

Viewing, printing and downloading of individual articles or references for noncommercial, educational, scholarly or research use only.

These conditions apply to all our electronic services. Specific licence conditions may also apply.

Prohibited use

The following conditions apply to all our electronic services. Specific licence conditions may also apply - check individual agreements for details.

You must not:

  • systematically download, copy or print significant portions of the licensed content. This would be a serious breach of copyright and licence agreements
  • load articles onto a web server
  • use any of the services for commercial purposes
  • send print or electronic articles to any unauthorised users
  • alter, modify or adapt articles
  • share your secure password with any unauthorised users

eJournal licences

The Model NESLi2 Licence for Journals is the model licence used in negotiations with publishers for JISC journal agreements. Many of our eJournal licences will conform to the majority of clauses in this licence. However, each licensed product may have more specific or additional permissions or prohibitions. Some may allow remote access using virtual private network (VPN). Some eJournal services provide online access to their Terms of Use - otherwise check with the Library for details of individual agreements.

Database licences

Access restrictions and use of individual databases are determined by individual service providers' licence agreements.