The LGBTQI+ Staff & PGR Network at the University of Strathclyde
In alignment with Strathclyde's commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, in 2020 the STEM Equals team worked with the Equality & Diversity Office to facilitate the creation of the StrathPride LGBTQI+ staff and PGR Network.
We believe the Network provides an opportunity to build a more diverse and inclusive university community, and enhance support for and visibility of LGBTQI+ people at Strathclyde.
Who is the network for?
StrathPride is open to LGBTQI+ staff and postgraduate researchers, and our allies. LGBTQI+ includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, non-binary, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual people. Allies are very welcome in the Network, however please note that some meetings or events may be held exclusively for LGBTQI+ members.
Become a member of StrathPride
Join us to build a strong, supportive community! To join please complete the online membership form.
Over 200 Strathclyde staff and PGR students who are LGBTQI+ and our allies have joined StrathPride since it formally launched on 21 October 2020.
Members are from across the university: of our current members, 26% are from central Professional Services (e.g. Student Experience, Library, HR) and Strath Union staff; 21% are from the Faculty Engineering; 21% are from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; 15% are from the Faculty of Science; 11% are from the Strathclyde Business School.