Equality and DiversityStaff Equality Networks

As a socially progressive employer, we are committed to providing a welcoming and incluisive working environment for our staff.

We have a number of equality networks that enable staff to connect, share experiences, have their say, and get involved in activities.

As a socially-progressive employer, we are committed to supporting our staff who are carers.

The Carers Network is a support group for Strathclyde staff members who have, intend to have, or have had caring responsibilities.

At Strathclyde we are committed to supporting our disabled and neurodiverse staff, and to advancing equality of opportunity and enhancing accessibility across the University.

The Disabled and Neurodiverse Staff Network provides an opportunity to build a more diverse and inclusive university community, and to enhance support for and visibility of disabled and neurodiverse colleagues at Strathclyde.

As a socially progressive employer, we are committed to supporting expectant parents and parents with children - or grandchildren - of any age to have a good work life balance and excel at work whilst enjoying being a parent at home. 

The Parents' and Family Staff Network is a support group for staff members who are expectant parents and parents with children - or grandchildren - of any age.

At Strathclyde we are committed to supporting Black, Asian and minority ethnic staff and students, and to advancing race equality across our University.

The Race Equality Staff Network is a supportive and social space for colleagues to connect, share, celebrate and champion the diversity of the Strathclyde community.

At Strathclyde we are committed to supporting our staff and students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and non-binary, queer and intersex.

StrathPride is the University of Strathclyde's network for LGBTQI+ staff and postgraduate researchers, and their allies. The network provides an opportunity to build a more diverse and inclusive university community, and enhance support for and visibility of LGBTQI+ people at Strathclyde.

At Strathclyde we are committed to advancing gender equality and to supporting women staff.

The Women's Network for staff has been launched, led by Beth Lawton (Chief Digital and Information Officer) and Human Resources staff. Staff who would like to be involved can email HR at humanresources@strath.ac.uk