Quality assuranceExternal examining of taught programmes

External Examiners are a key element of the University of Strathclyde’s quality framework, which aligns closely with the Quality Assurance Agency’s UK Quality Code for Higher Education.

External Examiners are essential in ensuring that high quality teaching, learning and assessment are maintained and enhanced across all of our subject areas. Your contribution to the assessment processes ensures that we receive effective and practical evaluation of the academic standards on the University’s programmes and, at the same time, enables a clear identification of areas of good practice. We hope that you find the online reporting system easy to use, effective and efficient.

A robust process is in place to address any issues raised by External Examiners.

Reports are received via the on-line Reporting System. Staff in our Quality Assurance and Enhancement Team are responsible for reviewing all External Examiner reports. Issues are shared with and responded to by Heads of Departments or Programme Leaders. Any serious concerns are drawn to the immediate attention of the Associate Deputy Principals (Learning and Teaching) and the relevant Vice-Dean (Academic) who ensure appropriate action is taken. Reports (issues and good practice) and responses are considered by the Quality Assurance Committee of Senate, with a report to Senate on the outcomes.

If you have any queries please see the frequently asked questions below or contact external-examiners@strath.ac.uk.

The Department/School are responsible for sourcing an External Examiner. They should submit a nomination for a new examiner or an extension to an existing appointment via the University of Strathclyde’s External Examiners System.  This nomination then goes to the Dean, once the Dean’s approval has been given the appointments are sent to the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) for final approval.

Once approved by QAC, confirmation of the appointment will be issued by email.  The Examiner will also be issued with a limited access account and will be asked to confirm their acceptance via the University of Strathclyde’s External Examiners System.

The full procedure is contained within Procedure and Guidelines for External Examiners of Taught Programmes.

An examiner’s appointment is for 2 years in the first instance. An examiner can then re-nominated for a further 2 years.  They can be re-nominated for a 5th year, but only in exceptional circumstances.

When their nomination is approved, an external examiner receives an email from external-examiners@strath.ac.uk with instructions on how to log on for the first time using their email address and to set their own password. Doing this allows the external examiner to access the system to accept their appointment.

Once the above steps have been completed, an external examiner can access the External Examiners' reporting system.

Firstly you must have been given access to the University of Strathclyde’s External Examiners System by the External Examiner Administrator. If you are unable to access the system please contact external-examiners@strath.ac.uk.

To submit a report, please go to the University of Strathclyde External Examiners System where you will be prompted to login. Please enter your username (your email address) followed by your password.

Once logged on you will be taken to a 'Welcome' screen that lists all the programmes/modules you are required to submit reports for.  Under 'Outstanding Reports' there is a column headed 'Report Status', if this is:

  • " " (blank), it means the report has not been started
  • 'In progress' means you have started the report

Click on the 'Actions' button to the right of the report you wish to start/continue writing. We recommend that you use Google Chrome as your web browser when using the External Examiners system.

If you have already consulted the guidance provided but are still unable to log on to University of Strathclyde’s External Examiners System please contact external-examiners@strath.ac.uk.

The date, time and venue of Boards are set by individual Departments. You should contact the Department or School Administrator for details.

All travel costs within a reasonable cost will be met by the University of Strathclyde, these include rail, air, taxis, bus, and own vehicle travel (@ 0.45 per mile).

Please send a completed expenses form (see above) with all original receipts attached to the Department.

The amount you can claim as a subsistence allowance is detailed on the expenses claim form.

If accommodation is required you can either make a booking yourself or the Department/School can book on your behalf upon request, in line with what is deemed a reasonable cost.

Hotels close to the University include:

You must complete and send an Undertaken Duties Claim Form and proof of eligibility to work in the UK to the Department/School Administrator.

You must also have submitted your report via University of Strathclyde’s External Examiners System to enable us to process your fee.

An External Examiner shall not:

Be a member of the University staff, nor have been employed by the University, nor have been a student of the University during the three year period immediately prior to appointment.

Normally have any contact with the University or students of the University that might compromise their impartiality; where, because there are few experts in a particular subject area, such links are unavoidable, the potential conflict of interest must be declared to the Faculty and QAC by the Head of Department/ School at the time of nomination.