Estates ServicesSpace Planning

What we do

Working with departments

Our team works with departments across Strathclyde by:
  • processing requests for estates developments and room allocations to meet departmental needs
  • coordinating requests by departments to add to their room allocations or change existing functions or layouts
  • responding to requirements to make reasonable adjustments to the estate to meet the needs of disabled students and staff.

Making changes to departmental accommodation

The requirement must first be described in a Statement of Need Application. Staff can find this on the Estates tab on Pegasus.

Applications to add to or change departmental space must be approved by your Head of Department. They must in turn get Senior Budget Holder's approval.

Requesting additional accommodation or refurbishing existing rooms

Please read the following documents before completing your request:

Requests to alter or add to your space as a result of an application for external funding (research grants)

Please complete the Estates Requirements form

Estates Management will complete an initial review of the form. Then, we will forward completed forms to Research and Knowledge Exchange Services.

Changing the function or occupancy of your accommodation

We are required to maintain accurate records of University accommodation.

Please notify us of all changes to the University record of the occupancy and function of rooms allocated to your department. You can do this through the Departmental Occupancy Survey.

Service and Maintenance Requests

For minor fabric changes and maintenance requests, please contact your departmental EMS user. They will raise a Service Order request through the EMS system.

Data & reporting

We keep a database and drawing records of the room numbers, areas, functions and occupancy of accommodation allocated to departments. We are also responsible for:
  • managing requests to change any of this data
  • ensuring the record drawings and database accurately reflect all room allocation and use
  • providing the University with strategic and operational reports based on estates data
  • reporting on the allocation and utilisation of department accommodation and teaching activities
  • providing the University with relevant information to benchmark against other Higher Education Institutions
  • contributing space related data to annual reports for the Higher Education Statistics Agency.