The Short Loan Collection is on Level 3 of the Library.
The books and items that make up the Short Loan Collection have been chosen by teaching staff. They are normally specified on class reading lists and are in high demand.
You may borrow items from the Short Loan Collection for 1 day, and they will automatically renew for up to 1 week. However, if another customer has reserved the item the loan period will be shortened, so check your Strathclyde email regularly for any updates from us.
Choose the item(s) you would like to borrow and take them to a self service kiosk for issue. You may borrow up to 3 Short Loan items at any one time.
Return the book using the returns sorter at the main entrance.
We also currently have a Freepost returns service for people who are in the UK.
Fines are currently only being charged where an item has been reserved by another customer. The fine rate is £1 per day.
Finding Short Loan items
If you are having difficulty tracing Short Loan items, check SUPrimo Library search or contact us for help.
You can place a reservation on a Short Loan item if it is currently on loan to another customer. Place a reservation using SUPrimo.