Before you ask us to find a book or other resource at another Library, you have to be sure we don't hold the item at Strathclyde.
SUPrimo is our Library search tool. You can use it to find most resources in the Library, including:
- journal articles
- legal materials
- audio visual sources
- reports
- working papers
You can conduct separate searches for journals/articles, archive materials, and more.
Visit our LibGuides to find out more about searching
Our 'how to' LibGuides show you how to find the information you need. Popular guides include:
For a list of all guides, click the 'How to...' link on the LibGuides homepage.
Boost your search skills
Our Skills Boost sessions run early in each semester.
Skills Boost sessions take place at lunchtime. They're just 30 minutes long and help you to improve your study skills.
We update the sessions every year but usually include sessions on using SUPrimo and using Google/Google Scholar in your work.
Help & advice
If you have a specialist query regarding your dissertation, thesis or research project, you may want to contact your Faculty Librarian.