It's vital you check your curriculum to ensure that you are registered for all the modules you are taking. Students who are incorrectly registered may experience difficulties with their exam timetables.
If there are any problems with your curriculum you should contact Student Business immediately.
Check your exam timetable on Pegasus as soon as it's released. Report any errors to the exam coordinator within your academic department immediately.
Regularly check Pegasus for any amendments to your exam timetable.
For formal examinations, students are required to present a form of physical photo ID such as; Young Scot National Entitlement Card, Driving Licence, BRP or Passport. If you do not have one of these alternative forms of ID you can request a student card. You cannot present your student card on a mobile app.
You will need to write your 9-digit student registration number (e.g. 201234567) to your exam script, so please ensure that you know this number for your exams.
Familiarise yourself with the exam locations. If you're unsure of a location, it’s a good idea to find out how to get there well in advance of your exam. Exams may be split across many locations so make sure you go to the location on your timetable.
See the Supporting Online Learning page. Here there is useful information on revision and exam preparation.
Exam past papers are a great way to prepare for your exams. The University Library provides access to past exam papers for undergraduate modules. You can search the Library’s Electronic Exam Papers by entering a class code or keyword.