Orchid Orthopedic Solutions
Project Information
Funding stream: Innovate UK, Mechanical Conversion Mechanical Processes - feasibility studies
Project type: Collaborative research and development
The Advanced Forming Research Centre (AFRC) was approached by Orchid Orthopedic Solutions to investigate reducing the cost of manufacturing orthopaedic implants.
In order to achieve this, the potential of replacing titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V ELI with the more cost effective pure titanium was investigated by AFRC researchers.
What we did
Researchers used the AFRC’s patented severe plastic deformation process to produce ultrafine grained commercial purity titanium.
The commercially pure titanium would be suitable for forging into a generic orthopaedic implant.
Significant savings of up to 50% less expenditure were identified through using pure titanium. In addition, the forging temperature was reduced, the tool life was extended and chemical etching after forging was avoided.
Based on these very positive results, both partners have decided to continue their partnership and explore further material and product options.