Safran Landing Systems
Customer issue
Safran Landing Systems is a world leader in landing and braking systems for both civil and military aircraft and helicopters, including landing gear, wheels and brakes and other associated systems.
The company wished to address the issues of cost, wasteful material and the long lead-times involved in the manufacture of a commercial aircraft landing system component.
Safran approached the AFRC in order to investigate alternative methods of manufacturing this component that would be more economical.
How did the AFRC help?
Researchers and engineers from the AFRC’s forging and incremental technologies team carried out a series of trials on the component using the WF STR600 flow former machine. Various types of materials were tested in conjunction with carefully selected heat treatments as advised by the AFRC’s materials science team.
Business impact
The trials were so successful that the results exceeded the client’s expectations. The AFRC’s in depth knowledge of metals and materials science established that if this alternative manufacturing method is implemented, costs could be cut by at least 50% due to a reduction in material wastage. Flow forming is more environmentally friendly than traditional manufacturing techniques as less raw material is required. These savings would allow Safran to increase its capacity to assist with supply and demand in the commercial airline market.