Earth Systems Governance high-level science-policy dialogue
Sep 2021 — Elisa Morgera, Hub Director, was invited to contribute to a high-level science-policy dialogue ‘On the road to Kunming: Towards a post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework’ at the virtual Bratislava Earth Systems Governance Conference on 7th September 2021. The panel was called upon to “paint a comprehensive picture of the promises and pitfalls of the post-2020 framework for transformative change in biodiversity policy and practice. It assembled eminent experts on the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), each bringing a different disciplinary background and working at different levels of analysis. They were united by their hands-on experience with feeding their scientific work into the world of policy making.
Prof Morgera’s presentation focused on "the biodiversity-climate-ocean-human rights nexus for the just and effective implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity." She stressed the importance of recognising the relevance of internationally recognised human rights in a new global biodiversity framework, with a view to supporting transformative change through a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach. She also underscored the need to further advance scientific research and legal thinking on the inter-linkages between marine biodiversity and human rights, including at the land/ocean interface.
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- Learn more about SCELG’s work on human rights, oceans, and biodiversity.