SCELG members submit written evidence to the UK Parliament International Relations and Defence Committee

Nov 2021 — In November 2021, the One Ocean Hub contributed written evidence to the UK Parliament International Relations and Defence Committee on ‘UNCLOS: Fit for Purpose in the 21st Century?’. SCELG members and Hub researchers Mara Ntona and Mitchell Lennan, along with SCELG member and Hub Director Prof Elisa Morgera and Dr Senia Febrica (also of Strathclyde University), recommended that the UK promote policy coherence in implementing UNCLOS in a mutually supportive manner with international environmental law and international human rights law across levels and arenas of decision-making regarding oceanic affairs.


Image by Joseph Barrientos on Unsplash 

The written evidence underscored that the more systematic consideration of the inter-dependencies between human rights and marine biodiversity can offer the following benefits:

The full text of the written Evidence has been published in the UK Parliament International Relations and Defence Committee website

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