Call for Papers: Special Issue on “Ocean-Based Action: The Ocean-Climate Nexus and Human Rights”
May 2022 — The ocean has finally been firmly placed on the international climate change agenda through a series of ocean-related decision adopted at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference in Glasgow (COP 26), notably the Glasgow Climate Pact. Priorities for UNFCCC Parties in enhancing and defining “ocean-based action” will start to emerge from the 56th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice ocean and climate dialogue in June this year (SBSTA 56), although more definite international guidance will only be determined at later stages through formal decision-making under the UNFCCC and Paris Agreement.
SCELG Member and One Ocean Hub Director Professor Elisa Morgera and SCELG PhD and Hub Early-Career Researcher Mitchell Lennan, together with Professor Kati Kulovesi of the University of Eastern Finland’s Centre for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law are co-editing a Special Issue in the International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, entitled “Ocean-Based Action: The Ocean-Climate Nexus and Human Rights”. The Special Issue seeks to advance international legal research on the ocean-climate nexus before decisions on ocean-based action are taken at the UNFCCC.
The editors are seeking contributions to be published online on a rolling basis. They particularly welcome collaborative efforts and may suggest potential co-authors. Abstracts are welcome until 1 August 2022. Please see the call for papers for further details.
Prof Morgera will be at SBSTA 56 in June. She will be available at the poster session on 9 June presenting Hub research on this topic in the foyer of the Conference Centre (14.15–15.45 CEST), and would happy to discuss the Special Issue with potential authors.
Related items
- Learn more about SCELG’s work on oceans, climate change and human rights
- Visit the One Ocean Hub website