On 3rd April 2019, Prof Elisa Morgera was invited to contribute to a briefing event for the Scottish Parliament on “Effective environmental protections in Scotland: the role of good governance”, with a contribution titled “What good environmental governance means for human rights.” Elisa’s contribution builds on her role as member of the First Minister’s Advisory Group on Human Rights Leadership. The event is set against the efforts of the Scottish Parliament, including the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee, to explore the impact of the UK’s exit from EU for Scotland’s environment. The briefing event will explore the role of strong institutions in upholding environmental laws.
On SCELG’s contribution to First Minister’s Advisory Group on Human Rights Leadership.
For information on SCELG’s contributions to Scottish debates on Brexit and the environment, visit our webpage.
Various SCELG experts are exploring the interconnections between environmental law and human rights, including in the context of Brexit, in collaboration with the Centre for the Study of Human Rights Law. SCELG members involve students from the LLM in Global Environmental Law and Governance in this research.