Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law & GovernanceAreas of expertise

Environmental justice

We examine the plurality and politics of justice in particular settings from an empirical and normative perspective and analyse a diverse set of environmental and social justice problems. We are particularly interested to examine environmental justice from alternative epistemologies from the South and focus specifically on establishing a dialogue between environmental justice and postcolonial and critical theories.

We have flown the air like birds and swum the sea like fishes, but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like brothers.” Martin Luther King Jr

In particular, we're interested in:

  • the relationship between procedural and distributive justice
  • the role of recognition in justice
  • capabilities and human rights
  • rights of nature and earth jurisprudence
  • justice and benefit-sharing agreements
  • environmental justice and indigenous peoples
  • the relationship between justice and ethics


Check our publications in the area of environmental justice here.

Discover more about Environmental Justice