SCELG PublicationsEconomic Law

  • Stephanie Switzer and Joe McMahon, "Devolution and post-Brexit trade agreements: towards a joint Trade Policy Committee?" (2019) Edinburgh Law Review.
  • Stephanie Switzer, Brexit and the Trade Bill (2018) The Civil Society Brexit Project.
  • Stephanie Switzer, “Liminal Spaces: special and differential treatment as an incompletely theorised agreement” (2018) 15 Manchester Journal of International Economic Law 62 – 84
  • Stephanie Switzer, “Footloose and Fancy Free: State aid after Brexit” (2017) 22 (1) Edinburgh Law Review 155 – 161
  • Stephanie Switzer, “A contract theory approach to special and differential treatment at the WTO” (2017) 16 Journal of International Trade Law and Policy 126 – 140.
  • Lorenzo Cotula and Thierry Berger, Trends in global land use investment: implications for legal empowerment, (IIED, 2017),
  • Lorenzo Cotula, Thierry Berger, Adrian Di Giovanni, Mamadou Fall, Mark Kakraba-Ampeh, Samuel Nguiffo, Téodyl Nkuintchua, Eric Yeboah, Improving accountability in agricultural investments: Reflections from legal empowerment initiatives in West Africa, (IIED / IED Afrique / LMRC / CED, 2017)
  • Lorenzo Cotula with Thierry Berger, Legal Empowerment in Agribusiness Investments, Harnessing Political Economy Analysis, Land: Enhancing Governance for Economic Development (LEGEND, 2017),
  • Iyan Offor and Jan Walter,“GATT Article XX(a) Permits Otherwise Trade-Restrictive Animal Welfare Measures”(2017)12(4) Global Trade & Customs Journal 158-166.
  • Iyan Offor and Jan Walter,“The Applicability of GATT Article XX(a) to Animal Welfare”(2017)1(1) The UK Journal of Animal Law 10-20.
  • Francesco Sindico and Julie Gibson “Soft, complex, and fragmented international climate change practice: what implications for international trade law?” in PD Farah & E Cima (eds), China's Influence on Non-Trade Concerns in International Economic Law. (Routledge, 2016) London,129-145.
  • Lorenzo Cotula, Thierry Berger and Philippine Sutz, Addressing ‘Legacy’ Land Issues in Agribusiness Investments, Land: Enhancing Governance for Economic Development (LEGEND, 2016),
  • Lorenzo Cotula, Thierry Berger, Rachael Knight, Tom McInerney, Margret Vidar, and Peter Deupmann, Responsible Governance of Tenure and the Law. A guide for lawyers and other legal service providers, (FAO, 2016)
  • Stephanie Switzer, Leon Gerber and Francesco Sindico, “Access to Minerals: WTO export restrictions and climate change considerations” (2015) 4 (3) Laws, pp 617 – 637.
  • Lorenzo Cotula and Berger, T., 2015, Land deals and investment treaties: Visualising the interface, (IIED, 2015),
  • Marcos Orellana, Saùl Baños and Thierry Berger, Bringing community perspectives to investor-state arbitration: Experience from civil society submissions in the Pac Rim case, (IIED, 2015),
  • Elisa Morgera, "Global Environmental Law and the Comparative Legal Method(s)" (2015) 24 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 254-263
  • Elisa Morgera (guest ed), special issue of(2015) 24:3 Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law on comparative environmental law
  • Stephanie Switzer, “European Union Biofuels Policy: Past, Present and Future?” (2015) in McMahon and Cardwell (eds) Research Handbook on EU Agricultural Law (Edward Elgar, 2014) pp 203 – 221.
  • Lorenzo Cotula and Thierry Berger, Agricultural commercialisation contracts: concessions over people?, (IIED, 2014),
  • Amel Benkahla, Lorenzo Cotula, and Thierry Berger T, Guide to due diligence of agribusiness projects that affect land and property rights (AFD, 2014)
  • Elisa Morgera, Mathias Buckand Elsa Tsioumani (eds), The 2010 Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing in Perspective: Implications for International Law and National Implementation (Martinus Nijhoff, 2013)
  • Elisa Morgera (ed), The External Environmental Policy of the European Union: EU and International Law Perspectives (CUP, 2012)
  • Elisa Morgera, “Bilateralism at the Service of Community Interests? Non-judicial Enforcement of Global Public Goods in the Context of Global Environmental Law” (2012) 23 European Journal of International Law 743-767
  • Stephanie Switzer, “Aviation and emissions trading in the European Union: pie in the sky or compatible with international law” (2012) 39 (1) Ecology Law Currents 1 – 12
  • Stephanie Switzer, “Biofuels, food security and the WTO Agreement on Agriculture” in McMahon and Desta (eds) Research Handbook on the WTO Agriculture Agreement: New and Emerging Issues in International Agricultural Trade Law (Edward Elgar, 2012) 250-271
  • Stephanie Switzer, “The Public-ness of development in the World Trade Organisation” in Michelon, Clunie, McCorkindale and Psarras (eds) The Public in Law: Representations of the Political in Legal Discourse (Edinburgh/Glasgow Law and Society Series) 219 - 234 16
  • Danielle Spiegel Feld and Stephanie Switzer, “Wither Article XX? Regulatory Autonomy under non-GATT Agreements after China – Raw Materials” (2012) 38 Yale Journal of International Law Online 16 – 30.
  • Stephanie Switzer and Joseph McMahon, “EU Biofuels Policy – Raising the Question of WTO Compatibility” (2011) 60 (3) International and Comparative Law Quarterly 713 – 736
  • Gracia Marin Duran and Elisa Morgera, “Towards Environmental Integration in EC External Relations? A Comparative Analysis of Selected Association Agreements” (2006) 6 Yearbook of European Environmental Law 179-210