- Stephanie Switzer, “Brexit and the Trade Bill” (2018) The Civil Society Brexit Project
- Mara Ntona and Miranda Geelhoed, “Environmental Protection and Law” in Busby and Zahn (eds), Studying EU Law in Scotland During and After Brexit (SULNE, 2017)
- Elisa Morgera, "Environmental Law" in Barnard and Peers (eds), European Union Law (OUP, second edition, 2017) 657-685
- Stephanie Switzer, “Footloose and Fancy Free: State aid after Brexit” (2017) 22 (1) Edinburgh Law Review 155 – 161.
- Elisa Morgera (guest ed), special issue of(2015) 24:3 Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law on comparative environmental law
- Elisa Morgera, "The EU and Environmental Multilateralism: The Case of Access and Benefit-Sharing and the Need for a Good-Faith Test" (2014) 16 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 109-142
- Elisa Morgera, “The Promotion of Environmental Rights through EU Bilateral Agreements: Mapping the Field” in Lenzerini and Vrdoljak (eds), International Law for Common Goods (Hart, 2014) 421-441
- Elisa Morgera and Kati Kulovesi, “The Role of the EU in Promoting International Climate Change Standards” in Poli et al (eds), EU Management of Global Emergencies: Legal Framework for Combating Threats and Crises (Brill, 2014) 304-329
- Gracia Marin Duran and Elisa Morgera, “Commentary to Article 37 – Environmental Protection” in Peers, Hervey, Kenner, and Ward (eds), Commentary on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (Hart, 2014) 983-1003
- Stephanie Switzer, European Union Biofuels Policy: Past, Present and Future? (2015) in McMahon and Cardwell (eds) Research Handbook on EU Agricultural Law (Edward Elgar, 2014) pp 203 – 221.
- Elisa Morgera, “Environmental Cooperation between the EU and Korea” in Harrison (ed), The European Union and South Korea: The Legal Framework for Strengthening Trade, Economic and Political Relations (Edinburgh University Press, 2013) 194-211
- Elisa Morgera, “Ambition, Complexity and Legitimacy of Pursuing Mutual Supportiveness through the EU's External Environmental Action” in Van Vooren, Blockmans and Wouters, The EU’s Role in Global Governance: The Legal Dimension (OUP, 2013) 194-208
- Sikina Jinnah and Elisa Morgera, “Environmental Provisions in American and EU Free Trade Agreements: A Preliminary Comparison and Research Agenda” (2013) 22 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 324-339
- Elisa Morgera, “Bilateralism at the Service of Community Interests? Non-judicial Enforcement of Global Public Goods in the Context of Global Environmental Law” (2012) 23 European Journal of International Law 743-767
- Elisa Morgera (ed), The External Environmental Policy of the European Union: EU and International Law Perspectives (CUP, 2012)
- Elisa Morgera, “EU Water Law” in Palermo and Alberton (eds), Environmental Protection in Multi-layered Systems. Comparative Lessons from the Water Sector (Martinus Nijhoff, 2012) 265-287
- Elisa Morgera, “European Environmental Law” in Alam et al (eds), Routledge Handbook of International Environmental Law (Routledge, 2012) 427-442
- Gracia Marin Duran and Elisa Morgera, Environmental Integration in the EU’s External Relations: Beyond Multilateral Dimensions (Hart, 2012)
- Stephanie Switzer, “Aviation and emissions trading in the European Union: pie in the sky or compatible with international law” (2012) 39 (1) Ecology Law Currents 1 – 12.
- Elisa Morgera, Kati Kulovesi and Miquel Munoz, “Environmental Integration and the Multi-faceted International Dimensions of EU Law: Unpacking the EU's 2009 Climate and Energy Package” (2011) 48 Common Market Law Review 829-891
- Stephanie Switzer and Joseph McMahon, “EU Biofuels Policy – Raising the Question of WTO Compatibility” (2011) 60 (3) International and Comparative Law Quarterly 713 – 736
- Gracia Marin Duran and Elisa Morgera, “Towards Environmental Integration in EC External Relations? A Comparative Analysis of Selected Association Agreements” (2006) 6 Yearbook of European Environmental Law 179-210
- Gracia Marin Duran and Elisa Morgera, “The UN 2005 World Summit, the Environment and the EU: Priorities, Promises and Prospects” (2006) 15 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 11-22
- Gracia Marin Duran and Elisa Morgera, “EU Enlargement and Development Policy: An Environmental Perspective” (2004) 13 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 152-163