- Elisa Morgera, "The Ecosystem Approach and the Precautionary Principle" in E Morgera and J Razzaque (eds) Encyclopedia of Environmental Law: Biodiversity and Nature Protection Law (EE, 2017) 70-80
- Elisa Morgera and Jona Razzaque (eds), Encyclopedia of Environmental Law: Biodiversity and Nature Protection Law (EE, 2017)
- Elisa Morgera, "The Need for an International Legal Concept of Fair and Equitable Benefit-sharing" (2016) 27 European Journal of International Law 353-383
- Elisa Morgera, "Fair and Equitable Benefit-sharing at the Crossroads of the Human Right to Science and International Biodiversity Law" (2015) 4 Laws 803-831
- Elisa Morgera, "Justice, Equity and Benefit-Sharing Under the Nagoya Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity" (2015) Italian Yearbook of International Law 113-141
- Elisa Morgera, "Global Environmental Law and the Comparative Legal Method(s)" (2015) 24 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 254-263
- Elisa Morgera (guest ed), special issue of (2015) 24:3 Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law on comparative environmental law
- Elisa Morgera, Elsa Tsioumani and Mathias Buck, Unraveling The Nagoya Protocol: A Commentary of the Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Martinus Nijhoff, 2014)
- Elisa Morgera, Mathias Buck and Elsa Tsioumani (eds), The 2010 Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing in Perspective: Implications for International Law and National Implementation (Martinus Nijhoff, 2013)