Grandmaster project
In recent years Viktor Dörfler, alongside collaborative partners, has developed a series of knowledge models. These include:
- learning capability
- learning willingness
- learning attention
- a knowledge typology
- a model of intuition
- a model of creativity
- a model of knowledge sharing
- two new types of rationality
- a multi-potential framework of cognition
- a model of knowledge levels.
This conceptual research served as basis for several empirical enquiries that belong under the umbrella of the Grandmaster Project.
The first empirical project was research into the personal creativity of highly creative people in the area of haute cuisine. Viktor carried out the research with his former PhD student and current collaborator Marc Stierand. They interviewed 19 of the finest chefs in the world.
For the second project, Viktor worked with Colin Eden. He interviewed 20 ‘grandmaster’ (people at the highest level of knowledge) scientists. Seventeen of the scientists were Nobel Laureates.
In the near future, Viktor plans to further develop the grandmaster project by venturing into other areas to conduct further interviews, as well as comparing current/completed projects to discover commonalities.
The project has also resulted in several new research methods.
For more information please visit the grandmaster project website.
Related publications
Creativity and innovation in haute cuisine: towards a systemic model
Stierand, M., Dorfler, V. & MacBryde, J. 13 Feb 2014 In: Creativity and Innovation Management. 23, 1, p. 15-28
Research on intuition using intuition
Dörfler, V. & Eden, C. Sep 2014 Handbook of Research Methods on Intuition. Sinclair, M. (ed.). Cheltenham, p. 264-276 (Handbooks of Research Methods in Management Series)
Researching intuition in personal creativity
Stierand, M. & Dörfler, V. Sep 2014 Handbook Of Research Methods On Intuition. Sinclair, M. (ed.). Cheltenham, p. 249-263 (Handbooks of Research Methods in Management Series)
Understanding intuition: the case for two forms of intuition
Dörfler, V. & Ackermann, F. Nov 2012 In: Management Learning. 43, 5, p. 545–564
Reflecting on a phenomenological study of creativity and innovation in haute cuisine
Stierand, M. & Dörfler, V. 13 Aug 2012 In: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 24, 6, p. 946-957
Methods against methods
Stierand, M. & Dörfler, V. 2011 Technology for Creativity and Innovation Tools, Techniques and Applications. Mesquita, A. (ed.). Hershey, p. 121-134
Learning capability: the effect of existing knowledge on learning
Dörfler, V. Dec 2010 In: Knowledge Management Research and Practice. 8, 4, p. 369-379