Network Optimisation: Telecommunication Networks & Evacuation Modelling
Dr Ashwin Arulselvan has been working on a number of network optimisation problems inherent in telecommunication networks and evacuation modelling for disasters or big events. More recently, he's also been working on developing algorithms for production planning problems stemming from the remanufacturing sector.
Design & planning of telecommunication networks
We're interested in designing access and distribution networks, where a set of clients with demands and a set of potential facility locations are given. Furthermore, a set of access cables are also given. The task of a network planner is to locate facilities and serve all client demands via a routing that is constructed using the access cables.
The demand at a client node will be routed from an open facility to the client along a path in the routing network. Sometimes, we're given specific connectivity requirements to ensure some level of reliability in the built network.
Evacuation modelling
Lanes of roads and street networks could be switched to facilitate flow of traffic in the reverse direction during special situations such as rush hour or emergency evacuation. We're interested in identifying the lanes that could be managed through such reversal of flows in order to alleviate congestion during emergency situations.
Approximation algorithms for lot sizing problem
Remanufacturing of products in lot sizing problems is a new trend in the manufacturing sectors. Although, lot sizing problems have been investigated a lot in literature, little attention has been given for the remanufacturing option within lot sizing, particularly in designing approximation algorithms. In a joint project with Dr Kerem Akartunali, we're developing our understanding in this area and developing specialised approximation algorithms for some challenging problems.