Dr Mark Dunlop

Senior Lecturer

Computer and Information Sciences


Personal statement

Dr Dunlop is a senior lecturer in computer science.

His research focuses on usability of mobile systems including mobile text entry, sensor driven interaction and evaluation of mobiles. He is particularily interested in digital health applications of mobile HCI research and co-leads Strathclyde's Digital Health & Wellness Research Group and is a member of the Strathclyde iSchool Research Group, the Active Mobility Hub, and the Strathclyde Ageing Network.

He led the OATS EPSRC funded project on text entry for older adults and was co-investigator on grants looking at data modelling for city visitor prediction, supporting active commuting by bike, mobile support for carers' activity during the Covid-19 pandemic, mobile solutions to aid stroke survivors and evaluation of Commonwealth Games Legacy fund projects. 

Dr Dunlop was appointed as sub-committee programme committee chair for User Experience and Usability at ACM CHI 2016 in San Jose and 2017 in Denver. He also regularly acts as an associate chair (Tokyo 2021, Hawaii 2020, Seoul 2014, Toronto 2013, Paris 2012, Austin 2011, Amsterdam 2008). Together with Stephen Brewster and Chris Johnson of Glasgow University he co-founded the MobileHCI conference series in 1998 and has co-organised four MobileHCI (MobileHCI 04 at Strathclyde, MobileHCI 01 in Lille, MobileHCI 99 in Edinburgh, and MobileHCI 98 in Glasgow) and was programme co-chair for ACM MobileHCI 2019 in Taipei, Taiwan. He also sits on the international steering committee for MobileHCI and was programme co-chair for BCS HCI 2024. He is an editor of Springer's Personal and Ubiquitous Computing and a founding associate editor of IGI Global's International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction.

He is currently first supervisor for the following PhD students: Huda Banuqitah on fairer crowdsource working; Adel Dadaa on electric vehicle charge station prediction; Craig Speirs on the link between activity data and health outcomes; Joma Alrzini on user experience of English on-line testing; and Salem Naas on interactive video for health information provision to older adults. He has 8 PhD alumni (Majed Al Khan, Ramsay Meiklem, Ryan Gibson, Gennaro Imperatore, Karim el Batran, Frøy Bjørneseth, Andreas Komninos, and Nick Bradley) and 1 MPhil (Sohail Azad).

Using his long experience and knowledge of mobile-HCI research he has acted as an expert witness in mobile technology patent cases in Australia and USA. 

Dr Dunlop's teaching is mainly in human computer interaction (HCI) and mobile programming. Currently he is teaching modules on Mobile Application Development and User Centred Design. Together with Parisa Eslambolchilar and Andreas Komninos, he recently co-edited an ACM textbook on Intelligent Computing for Interactive System Design: Statistics, Digital Signal Processing, and Machine Learning in Practice.

Prior to joining Strathclyde, Mark was a senior researcher at Risø Danish National Laboratory (now part of DTU), and a lecturer at Glasgow University.

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An exploratory study of the impact of task selection strategies on worker performance in crowdsourcing microtasks
Banuqitah Huda, Dunlop Mark, Abulkhair Maysoon, Terzis Sotirios
Proceedings of the 12th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing The Twelfth AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing Vol 12 , No. 1, pp. 2-11 (2024)
Physical activity mobile app (CareFit) for informal carers of people with dementia : protocol for a feasibility and adaptation study
Egan Kieren, Macdonald Bradley, Hodgson William, Kirk Alison, Fawcett Barbara, Dunlop Mark D, Maguire Roma, Flynn Greg, Scott Joshua, Windle Gill
JMIR Research Protocols Vol 13 (2024)
Patient-centred, technology-based interventions for high treatment burden : an overview of the state of the art
Meiklem Ramsay, Bouamrane Matt-Mouley, Kingsmore David, Stevenson Karen, Dunlop Mark, Thomson Peter
MEDINFO 2023 — The Future Is Accessible Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Vol 310, pp. 529-533 (2024)
A national co-design workshop of a mobile-based application for vascular access as a patient decision aid
Kingsmore David, Meiklem Ramsay, Stevenson Karen, Thomson Peter, Bouamrane Matt, Dunlop Mark
The Journal of Vascular Access Vol 25, pp. 187-192 (2024)
Participatory development of a 3D telemedicine system during COVID : the future of remote consultations
, Lo Steven, Fowers Spencer, Darko Kwame, Spina Thiago, Graham Catriona, Britto Andrea, Rose Anna, Tittsworth David, McIntyre Aileen, O'Dowd Chris, Maguire Roma, Chang Wayne, Young David, Hoak Amber, Young Robin, Dunlop Mark, Ankrah Levi, Messow Martina, Ampomah Opoku, Cutler Ben, Armstrong Roma, Lalwani Ruchi, Davison Ruairidh, Bagnall Sophie, Hudson Whitney, Shepperd Mike, Johnson Jonny
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery Vol 87, pp. 479-490 (2023)
Beyond the clinic : maximum free-living stepping as a potential measure of physical performance
Speirs Craig, Dunlop Mark D, Roper Marc, Granat Malcolm
Sensors Vol 23 (2023)

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Professional Activities

Federal Court of Australia (External organisation)
Communications in Mobile Computing (Journal)
Editorial board member
Advances in Human-Computer Interaction (Journal)
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Journal)
Editorial board member
MobileHCI (External organisation)

More professional activities


£5000K - Community driven co-creation of multimedia content to embed in the CareFit app, an app to support physical activity in informal carers
Kirk, Alison (Principal Investigator) Dunlop, Mark (Co-investigator) Egan, Kieren (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 28-Jan-2023
Early-stage maintenance of physical activity in caregivers at home using digital devices and/or motion sensors. Stretch Alumni PhD funding.
Kirk, Alison (Co-investigator) Dunlop, Mark (Co-investigator) Egan, Kieren (Principal Investigator)
01-Jan-2022 - 30-Jan-2025
£263,059 - Preparatory research to explore multicentre recruitment feasibility and adaptation of a physical activity mobile application for informal carers of people with dementia
Egan, Kieren (Principal Investigator) Kirk, Alison (Co-investigator) Dunlop, Mark (Co-investigator) Maguire, Roma (Co-investigator) Fawcett, Barbara (Co-investigator)
Funded by NIHR linked to WHO iCONNECT
01-Jan-2022 - 31-Jan-2023
Providing confidence to encourage active travel through the application of AI
Dunlop, Mark (Principal Investigator) Roper, Marc (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2020 - 28-Jan-2021
Strathclyde COVID-19 Research Portfolio: Novel testing, digital health support and third sector collaboration for impact on social care
Bedford, Tim (Principal Investigator) Corrigan, Damion (Co-investigator) Dunlop, Mark (Co-investigator) Egan, Kieren (Co-investigator) Fleming, Leanne (Co-investigator) Flowers, Paul (Co-investigator) Grealy, Madeleine (Co-investigator) Hoskisson, Paul (Co-investigator) Hunter, Iain (Co-investigator) Janssen, Xanne (Co-investigator) Kirk, Alison (Co-investigator) Knifton, Lee (Co-investigator) Lenhart, Otto (Co-investigator) Maguire, Roma (Co-investigator) Morton, Alec (Co-investigator) Quinn, Neil (Co-investigator) Scott, Fraser (Co-investigator) Suckling, Colin (Co-investigator) Ward, Andrew (Co-investigator) Williams, Lynn (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2020 - 16-Jan-2021
Evaluation of the 6 minute walk app with participants at Macmillan MoveMore
Lewis, Liane (Principal Investigator) Dunlop, Mark (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2019 - 29-Jan-2019

More projects

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Dr Mark Dunlop
Senior Lecturer
Computer and Information Sciences

Email: mark.dunlop@strath.ac.uk
Tel: Unlisted